zfs-stats buggy ? variables uninitialized

running zfs-stats -a gives me the following errors

FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 #0: Tue Mar 26 20:26:20 UTC 2024 root11:45AM  up 15 days,  1:44, 10 users, load averages: 2.12, 2.33, 5.21


System Memory:

        0.58%   2.16    GiB Active,     81.02%  303.10  GiB Inact
        15.79%  59.08   GiB Wired,      0.00%   0       Bytes Cache
        2.11%   7.90    GiB Free,       0.50%   1.88    GiB Gap

        Real Installed:                         384.00  GiB
        Real Available:                 99.98%  383.93  GiB
        Real Managed:                   97.44%  374.11  GiB

        Logical Total:                          384.00  GiB
        Logical Used:                   19.01%  73.01   GiB
        Logical Free:                   80.99%  310.99  GiB

Use of uninitialized value $vdev_cache_hits in addition (+) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 628.
Use of uninitialized value $vdev_cache_misses in addition (+) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 628.
Use of uninitialized value $vdev_cache_delegations in addition (+) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 628.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 630.
Kernel Memory:                                  6.96    GiB
        Data:                           99.49%  6.92    GiB
        Text:                           0.51%   36.02   MiB

Kernel Memory Map:                              374.11  GiB
        Size:                           15.63%  58.49   GiB
        Free:                           84.37%  315.62  GiB


it seems to be coming from zfs-stats -D

ZFS Subsystem Report                            Sun Jun 30 11:56:49 2024

Use of uninitialized value $vdev_cache_hits in addition (+) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 628.
Use of uninitialized value $vdev_cache_misses in addition (+) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 628.
Use of uninitialized value $vdev_cache_delegations in addition (+) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 628.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/local/bin/zfs-stats line 630.
VDEV cache is disabled


Maybe check and not try to output when the VDEV cache is disabled ?