Solved ZFS Replication Over SSH: Operation timed out

I am learning how to replicate my data across the network using zfs-send(8) and zfs-receive(8) via SSH but keep getting the following error:
ssh: connect to host ip.address port 22: Operation timed out                
warning: cannot send 'partition/videos@1109': signal receive

Here is how things are set up on the sending machine:
[captain@zfstest ~]$ zfs list
partition            96.7G   149G       96K  /partition
partition/videos     96.7G   149G     96.7G  /partition/videos
storage               205G   781G      108G  /storage
storage/docs          213K   781G      128K  /home/captain/docs
storage/home         96.8G   781G      139K  /storage/home
storage/home/videos  96.6G   781G     96.6G  /storage/home/videos
storage/home/zebula   202M   781G      202M  /home/zebula
storage/myclone      85.2K   781G      128K  /storage/myclone
[captain@zfstest ~]$ zfs list -t snapshot
NAME                    USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
partition@1109            0B      -       96K  -
partition/videos@1109     0B      -     96.7G  -
storage/docs@2054      85.2K      -      128K  -
[captain@zfstest ~]$ zfs allow partition
---- Permissions on partition ----------------------------------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
        user captain hold,send,snapshot
[captain@zfstest ~]$ zfs allow partition/videos
---- Permissions on partition ----------------------------------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
        user captain hold,send,snapshot

The command I use on the sending machine to initiate the replication is:
[captain@zfstest ~]$ zfs send -vR partition@1109 | ssh skipper@ip.address zfs receive -dvu backup/videos                                                      
full send of partition@1109 estimated size is 43.1K                                                                                                                
full send of partition/videos@1109 estimated size is 96.8G                                                                                                        
total estimated size is 96.8G                                                                                                                                      
TIME        SENT   SNAPSHOT partition/videos@1109                                                                                                                  
15:19:13   67.8K   partition/videos@1109                                                                                                                          
15:19:14   67.8K   partition/videos@1109                                      
15:19:15   67.8K   partition/videos@1109                                                                                                                          
15:19:16   67.8K   partition/videos@1109
15:20:23   67.8K   partition/videos@1109                                                                                                                          
15:20:24   67.8K   partition/videos@1109                                      
15:20:25   67.8K   partition/videos@1109                                                                                                                          
15:20:26   67.8K   partition/videos@1109
ssh: connect to host ip.address port 22: Operation timed out                
warning: cannot send 'partition/videos@1109': signal receive

The user captain is able to SSH into the receiving machine without any issues. I'm not doing anything fancy with the SSH keys or ports.

Here is how things look on the receiving machine:
[skipper@zfsbackup ~]$ zfs list
backup          588K   246G       96K  /backup
backup/videos    96K   246G       96K  /backup/videos
[skipper@zfsbackup ~]$ zfs list -t snapshot
no datasets available
[skipper@zfsbackup ~]$ zfs allow backup/videos
---- Permissions on backup/videos ------------------------------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
    user skipper create,mount,receive

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!

Edited to add:
Permission of partition on sending machine:
drwxr-xr-x 3 captain captain 3 Jul 29 18:13 partition

Permission of backup on receiving machine:
drwxr-xr-x 3 skipper skipper 3 Aug 2 15:03 backup

Edited to add again:
I am a complete idiot! I was off by a digit in the receiving machine's IP address. 🤬
Sorry to waste everyone's time.