ZFS zfs cannot mount 'dataset': Insufficient privileges - a bug?

Cannot mount dataset as unprivileged user 'hyper'

[hyper@tesbox ~]$  zfs mount zroot/testset
cannot mount 'zroot/testset': Insufficient privileges

All permissions given:

[hyper@tesbox ~]$ zfs allow zroot
---- Permissions on zroot --------------------------------------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
        user hyper clone,create,destroy,diff,hold,mount,mountpoint,quota,receive,rollback,send,snapdir,snapshot,userprop

[hyper@tesbox ~]$ zfs allow zroot/testset
---- Permissions on zroot --------------------------------------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
        user hyper clone,create,destroy,diff,hold,mount,mountpoint,quota,receive,rollback,send,snapdir,snapshot,userprop

[hyper@tesbox ~]$ sysctl -a|grep vfs.usermount
vfs.usermount: 1

[hyper@tesbox ~] id
uid=1001(hyper) gid=1001(hyper) groups=1001(hyper),0(wheel)


Is that as per FreeBSD's implementation of zfs or a bug?

umounting, btw, works perfectly for unprivileged users once vfs.usermount=1 is set, otherwise will not work even with zfs allow mount
What's wrong with mount?
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Your grep(1) will never output anything. If you just want to query a single sysctl(8) why are you querying all sysctls and grepping the output? Just use sysctl vfs.usermount to see the current value. Note that usermount only works if the user also owns the mountpoint.