ypwhich -m gives error

Installed 10.2 on a virtual under ESX 5.5.

Install went fine. I'm setting up NIS client services and running into a bit of a problem. Or maybe its not a problem.

domainname shows that its bound to the proper domain. ypwhich shows its bound to one of the slaves.
If I do ypwhich -m <mapname> it shows that the map comes from the proper NIS master.

If I do ypwhich -m with no mapname I get this error:
yp_maplist: clnt_call: RPC: Can't decode result

If I ypcat -k <mapname> it gives me the proper output from the map.
So, is this just a bug or is there really a problem? It should be giving me a list of maps but it isn't.

Important parts of /etc/rc.conf:

nis_client_flags="-S casenet.domain.com"