Just a note: DNC is pretty esoteric. In Canada it stands for do-not-call. For those who don't know the particular reference here, it is used in the USA to mean Democratic National Convention which is a political party organizational group there.
So my point is we have a massive costly intelligence apparatus and our Presidential Election process just got hacked by our known 'enemy number one'. What exactly are they watching? Obviously not our enemies.
Meanwhile the dolts are using Yahoo mail.
Like a giant circus costing me dearly. Almost half my paycheck goes down the toilet with nothing to show for it.
I agree with you that the USA National Intelligence Agency appears to not be working for the people that hired them and, as you know, are generally considered known 'enemy number one' by those of us with an interest in security - regardless of what country we live in. Yes, you should probably complain about their efficacy. I suppose though, that since their employees are all being paid it does help to create jobs.
Have you read somewhere that they were really using webmail?
The news seems to be referring to their email servers being hacked. So yes, I'd ask that question as well. I doubt that anybody would consider their email private if they were using Yahoo!, Google, etc., or any of those services which aren't private.
There is probably a scientific term for it but it's the effect of "they probably know their stuff, I shouldn't have to worry" -syndrome.
You're on to something there. I think it is indeed misplaced trust. But perhaps even willful blindness.

I say that because if (as in this case) they were up to something nefarious and wanted to keep that from getting out, then any reasonable person would actually work at it. That is, make an effort.