Solved xset fp+ and mkfontdir and ttf trouble

After not touching any painting tools too much for several years, recently I meet the need to make some graphics. For that I've downloaded free fancy ttf fonts. Since I need them only once, I attempted to do just
xset fp+ /somedir/myfonts/
instead of editing my xorg.conf, but this failed because of absence fonts.dir in that directory. To generate fonts.dir file, I've attempted to find ttmkfdir utility, as it was several years ago, but didn't find it in ports/packages. Then I've looked at FreeBSD handbook, and it says that now I must use mkfontdir instead for true type fonts. But mkfontdir generates fonts.dir which contains only one symbol "0", obviously, it cat't see my .ttfs. Finally, I had no choice other than adding that dir to xorg.conf and restarting Xorg. But what is the way to do the thing nowadays without xorg.conf?
I see, looking through some old notes of mine on a yoga2, that I put the line at the top of $HOME/.xinitrc, in FreeBSD-10x. I don't even remember the circumstances, (that particular machine requires CURRENT to work with its graphic card). For whatever reason, it wasn't seeing some terminus fonts that I was using, I googled the problem and found that solution which worked for me.

(By "the line" I mean the one you mention,
xset fp+ /somedir/myfonts/
xset +fp /somedir/myfonts/ just doesn't work cause there's no fonts.dir file in myfonts/ directory.
Recommended by handbook tool mkfontdir fails to create that file (like it see no fonts, see my 1st post).
Other tool I used before ttmkfdir not in the ports anymore (deprecated in favor of mkfontdir)
What should I do?
FreeBSD asd2 10.2-RELEASE-p24 FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p24 #0: Sat Oct 22 01:03:53 UTC 2016  amd64
While installing some ttf fonts from ports, I noted that port system succefully created fonts.dirfile. I've investigated how it does so, and found that handbook is quite wrong on that. Section "5.5.2 TrueType Fonts" says:
Then create an index of X font files in a directory:

# cd /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType
# mkfontdir
But there must be:
Then create an index of X font files in a directory:

# cd /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType
# mkfontscale
# mkfontdir
mkfontscalecreates fonts.scale file which in turn used by mkfontdir to create fonts.dirfile. After that xset +fp /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType may be used.
Btw, what can I do to help to fix handbook?