After not touching any painting tools too much for several years, recently I meet the need to make some graphics. For that I've downloaded free fancy ttf fonts. Since I need them only once, I attempted to do just
instead of editing my xorg.conf, but this failed because of absence fonts.dir in that directory. To generate fonts.dir file, I've attempted to find
xset fp+ /somedir/myfonts/
instead of editing my xorg.conf, but this failed because of absence fonts.dir in that directory. To generate fonts.dir file, I've attempted to find
utility, as it was several years ago, but didn't find it in ports/packages. Then I've looked at FreeBSD handbook, and it says that now I must use mkfontdir
instead for true type fonts. But mkfontdir
generates fonts.dir which contains only one symbol "0", obviously, it cat't see my .ttfs. Finally, I had no choice other than adding that dir to xorg.conf and restarting Xorg. But what is the way to do the thing nowadays without xorg.conf?