Solved Xserver 1.14. EFI. Haswell GPU.

Hi there.

I wasn't able to sit my laptop for a month, and after this time just see some interesting things.
x11-servers/xorg-server was updated to 1.14 and according this announcement I was juked, in case using haswell 4400hd intel GPU.

So after install binaries, including x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa, I tried to
which gives me this log.
After Xorg -configure, and some modifications, I tried to Xorg -config xorg.conf -retro, which gives me this log.

I don't know what to do, read a lot of solved threads, but solutions wasn't helpful for me.
Only I guess - install old x11-servers/xorg-server below 1.7.

Thanks a lot.
According this wikipage:
  1. git clone -b kms-drm-update-38 --single-branch
  2. cd freebsd/
  3. make kernel
Which doesn't solve the problem.
Still can't startx
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Remove at least one of the Driver entries from xorg.conf. Preferably the intel one, since Haswell is not yet supported, leaving only the vesa one. The rest of xorg.conf can probably be deleted also. It is recommended to try without any xorg.conf at all.
wblock@ I did this as a first option.
With and without xorg.conf and config file has only one driver option.
All this at the first post, where I mention the problem.