xorg lone ranger deserves our support

From the article:-

"This brings the range of supported OSes up to five: Debian-based Linux distros, FreeBSD 14, NetBSD 10, OpenBSD 7.5, and now OpenIndiana Hipster. This reflects one of the core features of X11, which is not a priority for Wayland. X11 runs on more or less every Unix-like OS ever made, proprietary or FOSS, and because working over a network is part of its design, it enables almost any of them to display a graphical app on any other."

Enuf of your waylands already!
Personally I would buy the X11 lone ranger a beer. Or a coffee! :)
X not dead! Who was that lone tar??!
GNOME isn't necessarily what we all want. For example, I despise it. I will stick to XFCE for the forseeable future and thus until XFCE moves to Wayland I have no interest for it. COSMIC may change things, who knows.
I would keep on using Mate+Compiz (only for its excellent Mag plugin) on X unless they are discontinued.
I don't want Wayland at least for now, as it...
  • hesitated to start by an existing user whose primary group is wheel,
  • cannot find magnifier that works just like Mag plugin of Compiz,
  • cannot use IMEs for Japanese, even when following instructions (all were for any of Linux distros, so I needed to fit it to FreeBSD).
All of them are fatal for me.
The last one cannot be a problem if UN forcibly prohibit using languages other than English ALL OVER THE WORLD. But it could cause world war 3, so not at all realistic.

For the last one, when I tried, there weren't fcitx5-mozc, which Linux guys prefer for Japanese, and I've tested with ibus-mozc, which I couldn't make working and some reports (for Linux) stated not working well.
Recently I found that kdeguchi is porting fcitx5-mozc on FreeBSD and it works fine for me, too, on X. But not tried on Wayland as the 2nd reason defeated my motivation to try Wayland.
Ah, thanks for the info! What I've tried was x11-wm/wayfire, as it stated that it's inspired by Compiz (unfortunately, its Mag plugin doesn't work like Mag plugin of Compiz does).
Didn't tried x11-wm/sway as it is a tiling compositor. Hope any stacking (overwrapping) WMs sanely support fcitx5.
Wayland will replace X11. Better get used to it.
I couldn't care less about gnome, I never use it. Let redhat/ibm have their own proprietary desktop, if that's what they want.

However, that might be significant if some core libraries that are used by everything else also no longer support X11, although I don't know if that is the case; I hope not. It would be bad news if things like libreoffice, gimp and firefox break. Hopefully they're not dependent on gnome libraries.

For people who want a full DE, perhaps this move will finally make the linux/BSD community decide to dump gnome and use kde? Of course I'm assuming kde aren't going to follow suit, that would be most disappointing. For myself I'll happily carry on using windowmaker and fvwm3. :)
I cannot use bad language here..but FUC# GNOME!!! they are one of the systemd "requirement" to work
and now if dont use wayland I cannot use it? oh my god..the humanity

and wayland...tell me the reason to use it.....when Xorg if doing what suppose to do and that's it WORKS FINE
No reason to (forcibly) use Wayland (at least) for now, but in the future, if drivers for X (mostly for GPUs which are available in the market [including 2nd, 3rd,... handed ones], I guess) are no longer available, we would be forced to swtich to Wayland (or ever newer protocol).
But as far as DRM drivers work for both, it wouldn't happen except for anyone who want to use DEs and/or apps forcibly require Wayland only.
Wayland will replace X11. Better get used to it.
Yes, that can happen. But it will not happen anytime soon. As others have pointed out in this thread, GNOME isn't a reliable "temperature measurement" for deciding that.
Currently, Wayland is under development, and has come so far that it can stand (wobbly) on its own legs, just like an infant.
Before it can take over and replace Xorg, it needs to mature to at least the level of a teenager.
My estimate is that a realistic timeframe for a possible "Wayland replaces Xorg" moment is at least 10 - 20 years away.
Why? Because it currently lacks a lot of features that are needed if its going to replace Xorg.
I won't be so optimistic, unless anyone steps in in maintaining the Xorg codebase I believe that once the accessibility problems are solved Xorg will be history. Nowadays Xorg is basically maintaned by Red Hat alone and they have already said that RHEL 10 will be Wayland only.

RHEL 9 EOL is less than 8 year from now.
I won't be so optimistic, unless anyone steps in in maintaining the Xorg codebase I believe that once the accessibility problems are solved Xorg will be history. Nowadays Xorg is basically maintaned by Red Hat alone and they have already said that RHEL 10 will be Wayland only.

RHEL 9 EOL is less than 8 year from now.
That's the problem. RH said some months ago they have ended work on xorg. Hence my good wishes for this lone hacker doing some work on it. I just wish I had more time...
GNOME isn't necessarily what we all want. For example, I despise it. I will stick to XFCE for the forseeable future and thus until XFCE moves to Wayland I have no interest for it. COSMIC may change things, who knows.
What's COSMIC, out of interest?
Wayland will replace X11. Better get used to it.

I guess 13 people are going to be screwed.
But pointing out that GNOME will need it. Not the way to go.
You need to think out of the box. Gnome will be the first desktop to drop X11. Many others will follow.

As others have pointed out in this thread, GNOME isn't a reliable "temperature measurement" for deciding that.
Yes, but in fact it's about Gtk has a whole, not only Gnome.

When we discussed this issue at a recent gtk planning call, the outcome was:
  • We should stop building the X11 backend by default in GTK 5

Have fun recompiling all your Gtk apps.
Then I'll use fvwm2 forever. It doesn't seem to be eager to do the Wayland thing.
fvwm3 https://www.fvwm.org/

AFAIK, no gtk in fvwm3.

Same reason I use windowmaker https://www.windowmaker.org/
My two favourite window managers.

The problem will be new graphics chips not being supported in Xorg, if the codebase is frozen. Bah.