Solved XFCE shows less storage space in External Hard Drive


Recently bought 5 TB Seagate External Hard Drive, Xfce shows less than 5 TB storage space. See Screenshot below:


Following two icons appear when hard drive is connected to Workstation.


Left one gives error trying to mount, whereas right one is mounted.

Also, when trying to copy files from internal to external hard drive gives pop-up as not enough space is available.

Same Hard Drive when connected to non FreeBSD Workstations gives its capacity as 5 TB.

How to copy files 500 GB approx. to external hard drive?
Your external hard drive is 5 TB but in screenshot, capacity is only 196.9 MiB! Have you mounted it correctly? What is the output of df -h /dev/da0p1 ?
You need to learn the difference between disk drive, partition, and file system.

I would begin by understanding what a few commands do, running them, and then looking at their output. For example "camcontrol identify da0", "gpart list da0", "df /dev/da0p...", and so on. EDIT: That last one makes no sense, since /dev/da0p... is a device, but df works on a mounted file system. Sorry about that. Run mount first to find out what device is mounted on which mount point.
This looks like an install image. It only has a small EFI (FAT32) partition (p1) and some other partition (p2). Only the smallish EFI partition is currently mounted. So that shows up as being ~200MB big.

But yeah, as ralphbsz says, learn the differences between a disk, a partition and a filesystem.

Many Thanks for replies!

Trying 19.4.2 Automounting Removable media from Handbook.

Will reboot to see whether that works!

You need to learn the difference between disk drive, partition, and file system.
I would begin by understanding what a few commands do, running them, and then looking at their output. For example "camcontrol identify da0", "gpart list da0", "df /dev/da0p...", and so on. EDIT: That last one makes no sense, since /dev/da0p... is a device, but df works on a mounted file system. Sorry about that. Run mount first to find out what device is mounted on which mount point.


Running mount gives following output:
root@localhost:~/Desktop # mount
/dev/ada0a on / (ufs, local, journaled soft-updates)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
linprocfs on /compat/linux/proc (linprocfs, local)
procfs on /proc (procfs, local)
linsysfs on /compat/linux/sys (linsysfs, local)
devfs on /compat/linux/dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
fdescfs on /compat/linux/dev/fd (fdescfs)
tmpfs on /compat/linux/dev/shm (tmpfs, local)
map -hosts on /net (autofs)
map -media on /media (autofs)
devfs on /compat/ubuntu/dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
tmpfs on /compat/ubuntu/dev/shm (tmpfs, local)
fdescfs on /compat/ubuntu/dev/fd (fdescfs)
linprocfs on /compat/ubuntu/proc (linprocfs, local)
linsysfs on /compat/ubuntu/sys (linsysfs, local)
/tmp on /compat/ubuntu/tmp (nullfs, local)
/usr/home on /compat/ubuntu/home (nullfs, local)
/dev/da0p1 on /media/da0p1 (msdosfs, local, noatime)
Probably the last entry lists external HDD.

No luck with automount!

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The last entry does not list the external hard drive, it list the mounted efi partition of the external hard drive.
If you do gpart list da0 it would probably list da0p1 that is mounted, and da0p2 that is much bigger but not mounted.
The reason it is not mounted is either that da0p2 contains a file system that FreeBSD cannot mount or that your automount configuration (I'm not familiar with automount config) explicitly mounts da0p1.
An efi partition only makes sense if you want to boot from the disk.
If FreeBSD cannot mount it is probably due to the partition is formated with a filesystem that is not supported natively by FreeBSD.
The last entry does not list the external hard drive, it list the mounted efi partition of the external hard drive.
If you do gpart list da0 it would probably list da0p1 that is mounted, and da0p2 that is much bigger but not mounted.
The reason it is not mounted is either that da0p2 contains a file system that FreeBSD cannot mount or that your automount configuration (I'm not familiar with automount config) explicitly mounts da0p1.
An efi partition only makes sense if you want to boot from the disk.
If FreeBSD cannot mount it is probably due to the partition is formated with a filesystem that is not supported natively by FreeBSD.

gpart list da0 gives following output:
root@localhost:~/Desktop # gpart list da0
Geom name: da0
modified: false
state: OK
fwheads: 255
fwsectors: 63
last: 9767541133
first: 34
entries: 128
scheme: GPT
1. Name: da0p1
   Mediasize: 209715200 (200M)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Stripesize: 4096
   Stripeoffset: 0
   Mode: r1w1e1
   efimedia: HD(1,GPT,6f56f7bc-c886-11ed-ad80-b07b252505a2,0x28,0x64000)
   rawuuid: 6f56f7bc-c886-11ed-ad80-b07b252505a2
   rawtype: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b
   label: EFI System Partition
   length: 209715200
   offset: 20480
   type: efi
   index: 1
   end: 409639
   start: 40
2. Name: da0p2
   Mediasize: 5000770093056 (4.5T)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Stripesize: 4096
   Stripeoffset: 0
   Mode: r0w0e0
   efimedia: HD(2,GPT,6f56f7bd-c886-11ed-ad80-b07b252505a2,0x64800,0x2462a9000)
   rawuuid: 6f56f7bd-c886-11ed-ad80-b07b252505a2
   rawtype: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7
   label: (null)
   length: 5000770093056
   offset: 210763776
   type: ms-basic-data
   index: 2
   end: 9767540735
   start: 411648
1. Name: da0
   Mediasize: 5000981077504 (4.5T)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Stripesize: 4096
   Stripeoffset: 0
   Mode: r1w1e2
Looks like you're right!

How do i mount it?

With the mount command. It is well documented. If you have to first find out what type of file system is in there, the file command can be helpful. But you already know something about that partition: it's partition type is ms-basic-data, so it probably contains a FAT or NTFS file system.
With the mount command. It is well documented.

It may help, for now at least, to turn off stupid or greedy automounter(s).

If you have to first find out what type of file system is in there, the file command can be helpful. But you already know something about that partition: it's partition type is ms-basic-data, so it probably contains a FAT or NTFS file system.

Or exfat which shares type 7 with ntfs. FAT32 is 11 or 12.

One may get more precise information on da0p2's filesystem type from:

gpart show -p da0
gpart show -r da0
Note that the partition type doesn't have to correspond with the filesystem that's on there. You can create a freebsd-ufs partition and format it with FAT32 if you want. Bad and confusing thing to do but nothing will stop you.
Note that the partition type doesn't have to correspond with the filesystem that's on there. You can create a freebsd-ufs partition and format it with FAT32 if you want. Bad and confusing thing to do but nothing will stop you.

Sure, but my suspicion from the gpart list rawtype & type above for da0s2, is that this is either some non-ntfs MS thing, or something else.

gpart show, with -p and -r switches (separately) gives more detail here - but I've a dual boot ntfs and ufs MBR system, not GPT.

I just thought it might help.
Sure, but my suspicion from the gpart list rawtype & type above for da0s2, is that this is either some non-ntfs MS thing, or something else.
I think it's a NTFS "Volume", but I'm not entirely sure what a Windows install disk/stick looks like :) Microsoft uses "ms-basic-data" for everything :rolleyes:

Either way, NTFS or ExFAT, FreeBSD can't read either without some external help. You might figure out what's actually on there with file -s /dev/da0p2
I think it's a NTFS "Volume", but I'm not entirely sure what a Windows install disk/stick looks like :) Microsoft uses "ms-basic-data" for everything :rolleyes:

Either way, NTFS or ExFAT, FreeBSD can't read either without some external help. You might figure out what's actually on there with file -s /dev/da0p2

file -s /dev/da0p2 yields:

root@localhost:~/Desktop # file -s /dev/da0p2
/dev/da0p2: DOS/MBR boot sector

The drive is pre-formatted exFAT, see attachment (Seagate website).

Does this require formatting again?



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file -s /dev/da0p2 yields:

root@localhost:~/Desktop # file -s /dev/da0p2
/dev/da0p2: DOS/MBR boot sector

Yes, file(1) is of limited usefulness with DOS filesystems. You may learn more, as suggested, from:

gpart show -p da0
gpart show -r da0

The drive is pre-formatted exFAT, see attachment (Seagate website).

Does this require formatting again?

Yes of course, unless you're prepared to install and load mount.exfat-fuse(8) from the fuse-exfat and exfat-utils ports or packages to access it.

If only for use with FreeBSD, presumably for backups, you need to first delete the exFAT partition, then add an UFS (freebsd-ufs) partition with gpart(8), then use newfs(8) to build the new filesystem.

Some may suggest using ZFS for this, but UFS is likely more suitable and certainly easier to learn at first.
On second thoughts, seeing all that linux stuff in your mount results in post #6 ...

The drive is pre-formatted exFAT, see attachment (Seagate website).

You may prefer leaving it as exfat, if you'll also want to access it from linux, which I assume handles exfat r/w.

If so:
pkg install fuse-exfat
pkg install exfat-utils

and use:
apropos exfat
to see listed manuals for commands to dump, check, label, create and mount it.
On second thoughts, seeing all that linux stuff in your mount results in post #6 ...

You may prefer leaving it as exfat, if you'll also want to access it from linux, which I assume handles exfat r/w.

If so:
pkg install fuse-exfat
pkg install exfat-utils

and use:
apropos exfat
to see listed manuals for commands to dump, check, label, create and mount it.

I would prefer to access exFAT from FreeBSD. Using it for Storage backup from my workstation. Intend to use luckybackup to do the backup!

Installed the packages fuse-exfat & exfat-utils successfully.

Output of apropos exfat is given below:

root@localhost:~/Desktop # apropos exfat
apropos: nothing appropriate

I would prefer to access exFAT from FreeBSD. Using it for Storage backup from my workstation. Intend to use luckybackup to do the backup!

Sure, use whatever works.

Installed the packages fuse-exfat & exfat-utils successfully.

smithi@t430s:~ % pkg info | grep -i exfat
exfat-utils-1.3.0              Utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem
fusefs-exfat-1.3.0_1           Full-featured exFAT FS implementation as a FUSE module

root@localhost:~/Desktop # apropos exfat
apropos: nothing appropriate

Really? Run 'pkg info' as above to be sure they're installed.

smithi@t430s:~ % apropos exfat
dumpexfat(8) - dump exFAT file system
exfatfsck(8) - check an exFAT file system
exfatlabel(8) - get or set an exFAT file system label
mkexfatfs(8) - create an exFAT file system
mount.exfat-fuse(8) - mount an exFAT file system

You also need to load fusefs, either in /boot/loader.conf or added to kld_list in /etc/rc.conf

smithi@t430s:~ % kldstat | grep fuse
11 1 0xffffffff828d9000 109a8 fusefs.ko

Then you can
% sudo exfatfsck /dev/da0p2
% sudo mount.exfat-fuse /dev/da0p2 /mnt
Sure, use whatever works.

smithi@t430s:~ % pkg info | grep -i exfat
exfat-utils-1.3.0              Utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem
fusefs-exfat-1.3.0_1           Full-featured exFAT FS implementation as a FUSE module

Really? Run 'pkg info' as above to be sure they're installed.

smithi@t430s:~ % apropos exfat
dumpexfat(8) - dump exFAT file system
exfatfsck(8) - check an exFAT file system
exfatlabel(8) - get or set an exFAT file system label
mkexfatfs(8) - create an exFAT file system
mount.exfat-fuse(8) - mount an exFAT file system

You also need to load fusefs, either in /boot/loader.conf or added to kld_list in /etc/rc.conf

smithi@t430s:~ % kldstat | grep fuse
11 1 0xffffffff828d9000 109a8 fusefs.ko

Then you can
% sudo exfatfsck /dev/da0p2
% sudo mount.exfat-fuse /dev/da0p2 /mnt
Hi smithi

root@localhost:~ # mount.exfat-fuse /dev/da0p2 /mnt
FUSE exfat 1.4.0 (libfuse2)
fuse: failed to open fuse device: No such file or directory

Unable to mount extHDD!


Enabled fusefs in loader.conf & rc.conf. Restarted the system. The command in your post # 19 did mount the extHDD.
