Solved xfce-panel icons disappeared in tasklist

I upgraded my workstation and now in my panel's tasklist I do not see the icons of the applications. So basically a browser window looks the same as a terminal window in the tasklist.

Except for when I have two "Thunar" windows, there is a filemanger icon in the tasklist - when I close the second window I again have no icon. This is not consistent with applications, e.g. having two firefox windows does not bring me the icons of the firefox grouped windows in the tasklist. I have (again) deleted my whole ~/.config/xfce4 and this still persists. Also consulted and created the ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css but this did not help. Any hints, or other users with this error?
Same exact thing happened to me yesterday. It makes it incredibly hard to use the GUI!

I solved it by reverting to a previous version of package 'gdk-pixbuf2'. The update to gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.12 in the 'latest' repository was the culprit - I went back to gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.10_3 from the 'quarterly' repository and all is well again. When I get a chance I'll log a defect.
From /usr/ports/UPDATING
  AFFECTS: users of graphics/gdk-pixbuf2

  Loaders for ANI, BMP, ICNS, ICO, PNM, QTIF, TGA, XBM and XPM have
  been moved to a separate graphics/gdk-pixbuf-extra port. Install
  the aforementioned port if artefacts in those formats no longer
  load or otherwise cause errors, and report them so that
  USE_GNOME=gdkpixbufextra can be declared. Most should only need
  USE_GNOME=gdkpixbufextra:run, but for those also needing these
  loaders for build, leave out the :run.
I think it is also valid for pkg users
I installed graphics/gdk-pixbuf-extra and did another update of all packages and I have my icons back! Great! Thanks a lot!