Xfce: Modify and/or disable automount?

I noticed that when I insert a USB flashdrive, it seems that Xfce automounts it to/media/NO_NAME. Mount point is accessible to root but not to users. This is problematic not only because the user doesn't have permission for GUI based interaction like drag and drop, but also an issue with manual unmounting through terminal since the /media/NO_NAME directory is still pointing to the drive (this gives me device is busy error and thus won't unmount unless I throw in -f).

Is there a way to modify this mount point to say /media/user_name in Xfce? Also can I disable automount in Xfce altogether?

I've been scraping the internet and handbook to figure this out. Thanks.
What version of FreeBSD and Xfce is this? Native automounting in Xfce stopped working several years ago.
I took a look in Thunar file manager and all I can see is some kind of advanced configuration, unfortunately it required thunar-volman which, according to what I read online is Linux only.

@wblock@, it's freebsd FreeBSD 10.0 amd64. I'm using the latest Xfce from packages. Native auto mounting stopped working for users years ago? Because everything works fine as root?
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Xfce used to have built-in automounting. That went away years ago. So the question is what automounter has been added to your system.