Solved [XFCE]Missing Select Menu Icon Images

Shiny new XFCE4 install via pkg.
No apparent errors encountered so far setting up XFCE4-4.16.
However, after installing certain software pieces I noticed the icons are not present in the menu.
Doing a 'gtk-update-icon-cache' and reboot did not resolve.

Menu items missing icons that I encountered:
- Ristretto, Screensaver, Xfdashboard, and Notes (from xfce4-goodies pkg)
- all Libreoffice app icons
- XArchiver
- Xfburn
- Musicbrainz Picard

I do not believe the problem is related to whether the package is maintained or not (e.g. Libreoffice).
Icon images appear to exist in the file system (/usr/local/share/icons...)
Anyone else encounter this problem?
This feels like a configuration/finger problem. Any suggestions for a fix?
The XFCE4 meta pkg did not install the 'default' icon package icons-tango or icons-tango-extras. Easy fix.
I did a pkg upgrade to make sure everything was correct. pkg proceeded to update/upgrade several packages. Reading through info spit out on the console, it appears there was an issue with gdk-pixbuf which forced several packages to be reinstalled. Once completed, any missing icons are now presented properly in the menu as regenerating icon cache was forced as part of software upgrade.

Let's call this solved.