wxWidgets console application

I want to write crossplatform concole application for FreeBSD/Linux/Windows. Otherwords service or demon for socket handling.
I found that (Code::Block + wxWidgets + GCC compiler) would be optimal for that purpose.
I installed all software on WindowsXP and compiled small example. It works fine.
Now i see that for my project under FreeBSD wxGTK port is needed with tons of GUI ports dependensy.
I use only non GUI wxWidgets functions such as Arrays, Lists, Sockets, Command line parser, File I/O, etc
I need no GUI at all. Is it possible somehow to separate GUI?

Perhaps i must use another development tools?
VI editor + command line GCC compiler + GDB debbuger forever? :)
Is there really no way out with wxWidgets?

As a simple Object Oriented calsses under UNIX/WINDOWS i know only STL library.
It has minimum features: VECTOR, STRING, MAP...
No I/O File handling or sockets.
VladVons said:
I use only non GUI wxWidgets functions such as Arrays, Lists, Sockets, Command line parser, File I/O, etc
I need no GUI at all. Is it possible somehow to separate GUI?

You can link your application without GUI components, but you must compile wxWidgets by hands with --disable-gui. I made this on some FreeBSD servers without X and it`s works fine.