WTB: Would someone sell Absolute FreeBSD 3rd Edition to me?

Hello everyone, I'm new to FreeBSD and in addition to the handbook I'm excited to learn with a physical book next to me.

I'm looking for the book Absolute FreeBSD 3rd Edition, but it has gone out of print and I'm having trouble finding it.

If you have a copy that you would like to part with, then I am interested in buying it for an affordable price.
Well, Mr Lucas is known to prowl around here once in a while. Maybe, if you drop him a PM, he can be of help with your inquiries.
Hola a todos, soy nuevo en FreeBSD y además del manual estoy emocionado de aprender con un libro físico a mi lado.

Estoy buscando el libro Absolute FreeBSD 3rd Edition, pero está agotado y tengo problemas para encontrarlo.

Si tienes una copia de la que te gustaría desprenderte, entonces estoy interesado en comprarla a un precio asequible.
Giving away somebodies e-book is inappropriate.

People got to eat.

I am sure with little google-fu this user could have found a pdf link.

What if it's a setup. New forum user requests specific book.

Now lawsuits fly for linking to copywright material and who pays for that?

The forum users do.
Giving away somebodies e-book is inappropriate.

People got to eat.

I am sure with little google-fu this user could have found a pdf link.

What if it's a setup. New forum user requests specific book.

Now lawsuits fly for linking to copywright material and who pays for that?

The forum users do.
Sorry, I did it without thinking.

You are right and thank you for pointing this out to me.
I just checked my bookshelf and it seems I not only have the ebook version, but also the print version. IIRC I even pre-ordered it, but never actually read it according to its condition... Don't ask - I'm exceptionally bad at tracking such things. I also own a lot of CDs or other books more than once and/or in e- and physical version - I even sponsored one of Mr Lucas' books *twice* because I'm so well organized *cough* because I like his work so much.

So, where on this Earth (hopefully...) are you located? If shipping rates to your location (from Germany) aren't completely ridiculous (that tome weighs ~1.5kg) send me a PM and we could figure something out.

OTOH - what's wrong with the e-book variant? It doesn't involve shipping fees or dead trees and is still available...
Try Barnes and Noble or another book store for another print book. There's also a nonprofit bookstore network which local bookstores belong to.

Now, I'm a bit surprised, but not that surprised, that older books for previous FreeBSD versions are out of print. I thought, they would have made updated or replacement versions.

Packt only has books for PFSense, as they no longer have a book for FreeBSD Network administation for FreeBSD 7. It's been around for a while, through several FreeBSD major versions.

Maybe, wait around for the book you want to become available in physical form.
These people claim to have one - not very cheap. Even the places that you can place a back order for are almost as expensive.

Never used them.

As I just found the email confirmations from when I ordered that book, I have to say that price actually isnt "too terrible". I bought the book directly from NoStarch in the US at an "early bird" promotion where you'd pre-order the print book and get the e-book for free. Shipping to germany back then was 23.99$. Seems I was pretty desperate to get my hands on that book back then 😅

But something smells fishy about thriftbooks - Take a look at those "new & used" listings on Amazon (germany):