Wrong permissions on /var/db/entropy?

I'm a newbie on FreeBSD (9.2-RELEASE), but I think the permissions set on directory /var/db/entropy are wrong: Instead of operator:bin, it is bin:operator. I haven't touched any of these directly.

root:/var/db # ls -la
total 1460
drwxr-xr-x  10 root    wheel         512 Dec 26 09:36 .
drwxr-xr-x  24 root    wheel         512 Dec 26 10:02 ..
drwx------   2 bin     operator      512 Dec 26 10:10 entropy

And this causes an error in /etc/crontab which calls /usr/libexec/save-entropy using user operator:

*/11    *   *   *      *   operator /usr/libexec/save-entropy

/usr/libexec/save-entropy in turn tries to access said directory /var/db/entropy:

case ${entropy_dir} in
   exit 0

cd "${entropy_dir}" || {
   logger -is -t "$0" Cannot cd to the entropy directory: "${entropy_dir}". \
       Entropy file rotation is aborted.; exit 1; }

Resulting in endless error messages in /var/log/messages like these:

Dec 26 10:11:00 www /usr/libexec/save-entropy[930]: Cannot cd to the entropy directory: /var/db/entropy. Entropy file rotation is aborted.
Dec 26 10:22:00 www /usr/libexec/save-entropy[1028]: Cannot cd to the entropy directory: /var/db/entropy. Entropy file rotation is aborted.
Dec 26 10:33:00 www /usr/libexec/save-entropy[1045]: Cannot cd to the entropy directory: /var/db/entropy. Entropy file rotation is aborted.
Dec 26 10:44:00 www /usr/libexec/save-entropy[1063]: Cannot cd to the entropy directory: /var/db/entropy. Entropy file rotation is aborted.

Does this mean that my entropy is broken?
But does that mean that the SSH and SSL keys I've generated since then were "useless"? According to /usr/libexec/save-entropy, it's the seed for /dev/random:
# This script is called by cron to store bits of randomness which are
# then used to seed /dev/random on boot.
The keys are completely ok, the random device is seeded by other means if the saved entropy is not available.