Shell Writing a console monitoring tool, interrupts & tcp-connections & threads

I want to have some monitoring-info using short scripts.
The info i want is :
- number of software interrupts
- number of hardware interrupts
- number of system calls
- number of tcp connections in respectively listen,initiated,established,terminated state.
- number of tasks, threads in running,sleeping state.
Probably there are some short scripts/commands who retrieve this info.
The info i want is :
- number of software interrupts
- number of hardware interrupts
The question is do you want something hardware specific or portable.
Snatching interrputs from a known IRQ or device will be simpler than writng someting generic.
vmstat -i |grep igb0
vmstat -i |grep irq264
Thanks, this one gives me the one with the highest rate,
vmstat -i  | grep -v cpu | sort -k 3 | tail -3 | head -1

Two other,
netstat -4 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l
netstat -4 | grep SYN_SENT | wc -l
Sounds to me like you're trying to reinvent Munin. Munin is based on OS dependent scripts called plugins; these are written in shell. It supports FreeBSD.

So by looking the way Munin does such stuff in its plugins you can derivate your own snippets of commands then.