without internet connection, how to install pkg etc..

Hi ,
After installing freebsd 11 in my ibook g4 successfully, but no internet at all. As I tried
pkg, pkg install nano on console, they need an Internet connection to install packages.

Is it possible first to download all packages source and burn them into DVD , then install
those packages from DVD ROM ? where is those source packages for freebsd 11 specific to PowerPC ?
the DVD 11_0_RELEASE_P1_POWERPC_CD seems not contain source package for pkg which is fetched from ftp on the internet. what could I do ? Thank you very much for advises !!!


Hi ,
After installing freebsd 11 in my ibook g4 successfully, but no internet at all. As I tried
pkg, pkg install nano on console, they need an Internet connection to install packages.

Is it possible first to download all packages source and burn them into DVD , then install
those packages from DVD ROM ? where is those source packages for freebsd 11 specific to PowerPC ?
the DVD 11_0_RELEASE_P1_POWERPC_CD seems not contain source package for pkg which is fetched from ftp on the internet. what could I do ? Thank you very much for advises !!!


Yes, it's possible: move the packages you want to install in /var/cache/pkg, then pkg add </path/to/package.txz>. However, first you need to bootstrap pkg(8), or install it with ports(7).

Just a note: their are called packges, not source packages. Unless you refer to source code tarballs used by ports(7). :)
Thank you Maxnix ! How do I do bootstrap pkg ? since I can't install pkg with ports without internet connection. That is why I want to
install those packages (i.e. pkg nano) from source files. Thank you so much !!!
I did some researches to see if you could download the precompiled binary for pkg and install it that way, and discovered that PowerPC is a Tier 2 architecture, so there is not an official repository for it. You should install from ports directly or build your own repository with ports-mgmt/poudriere or ports-mgmt/synth and then use pkg.

UPDATE: I found this thread Thread 35675: hope could help you with your connection problem. :)
If at all possible use the wired connection for initial bootstrap and installation. Your wired ethernet is a gem(4) device so this should be enough in /etc/rc.conf if you connect the machine to wired router:

Yes, I changed ifconfig_fwe0="SYNCDHCP" to ifconfig_gem0="SYNCDHCP" in /etc/rc.conf and connect the machine to wired router, but seems still no internet connection. below is my rc.conf content:
Do I still missing something? Thank you very much!
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In fact, I always use vi which exists in my FreeBSD. Now there is still a problem of internet connection -- even I used a wired router.
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I use install with port tree. After setup os then /usr/port/xx/xx then make install that appear /usr/ports/distfiles/ inside that location on pkg-xx.tar.bz2 and you need pkg requirement xx.tar.bz2.
Go to /usr/port/xx/xx make install.