CWM Window Dragging Not Using My Screens Refresh-rate.

Decided to give Cwm a shot, and one thing I notice right off the bat is it doesn't seem to utilize my screens full refresh-rate (144hz) when dragging windows across the screen. It's like a clunky 60hz. While this isn't a huge issue and I can obviously deal with it I wanted to ask if any Cwm users here have found a line somewhere in the code or a cwmrc option to change that. When looking in cwm(1) and cwmrc man pages I can't find any lead.
Decided to give Cwm a shot, and one thing I notice right off the bat is it doesn't seem to utilize my screens full refresh-rate (144hz) when dragging windows across the screen. It's like a clunky 60hz. While this isn't a huge issue and I can obviously deal with it I wanted to ask if any Cwm users here have found a line somewhere in the code or a cwmrc option to change that. When looking in cwm(1) and cwmrc man pages I can't find any lead.

You can use x11/xrandr to change your refresh rate.

In your case the command should be xrandr -r 144
You can use x11/xrandr to change your refresh rate.

In your case the command should be xrandr -r 144
The issue is, Xorg already properly discovers my proper screen refresh-rate as seen in this scrot:


I further confirmed this by trying my previous linux bspwm config which takes advantage of my proper screen refresh-rate. I achieve this by adding:

bspc config pointer_motion_interval    "7ms"

into the config and this configures bspwm to drag windows utilizing my screen refresh. Hence why I posted this as a Cwm issue, not as a Xorg issue. I also went ahead and installed and tried fvwm, same result, it uses 144hz just fine.
i've found the 2 relevant lines for modifying it. 60hz is specified as the limit to redraw moving windows within `./kbfunc`:
$ grep -n '60' kbfunc.c
179:            /* not more than 60 times / second */
180:            if ((ev.xmotion.time - ltime) <= (1000 / 60))
268:            /* not more than 60 times / second */
269:            if ((ev.xmotion.time - ltime) <= (1000 / 60))

i think it's limited this way to stop moving windows from being redrawn as many times as possible, overusing cpu.

changing the `60` values to `144` resolved this for me on linux, dragging windows redraw at 144hz. i expect the same behaviour under freebsd, and am building from the same upstream repository.