I'm new on FreeBSD, and I run it on a Virtual Machine.
The problem is that, after the installation, my network doesn't work.
The network adapter of the VM is set to NAT (I think this is the right choice)....obviusly the network on the host is working.
This is the output of the ifconfig command:
These are etc/hosts, /etc/rc.conf files
The output of ping www.google.com is:
The output of
Someone could be help me?
I'm new on FreeBSD, and I run it on a Virtual Machine.
The problem is that, after the installation, my network doesn't work.
The network adapter of the VM is set to NAT (I think this is the right choice)....obviusly the network on the host is working.
This is the output of the ifconfig command:
These are etc/hosts, /etc/rc.conf files
The output of ping www.google.com is:
ping: cannot resolve www.google.com: Host name lookup failure
The output of
ifconfig em0 up scan
ifconfig: unable to get scan results
Someone could be help me?