Wifi dongle

I'm not finding a lot of information on USB WiFi dongles for FreeBSD. Could someone point me in a good direction for installing and using them on FreeBSD 9 amd64? Thanks
Maybe I'm going at this the wrong way...

When I disconnect the wifi dongle I get the following

ugen2.2: <Rallink> at usbus2 (disconnected)

and when I connect it again

ugen2.2: <Ralink> at usbus2
run0: <1.0> on usbus2
run0: MAC/BBP RT3070 (rev 0x0201), RF RT3020 (MIMO 1T1R), address 00:02:6f:bd:42:8e
run0: firmware RT2870 loaded

What am I missing here to get up and running on a network?
Well I've configured it but my problem is when I run dhclient wlan0 I get

wlan0: no link ......... giving up
I stepped away from the problem for the night and got it working today...kind of. It works if I set my router to open, but it won't authenticate if I use WPA. It's a brand new dongle, not sure why but I may try WPA2/AES