Solved Why [file]fstab[/file] does not recognize NTFS commands?

OK. Following the Handbook on paragraph 20.8 Using NTFS Disks, I input two lines into my /etc/fstab

/dev/ada0s2 /mnt/WIN10 ntfs mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,late,noauto rw 0 0
/dev/da4s1 /mnt/2TB ntfs mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,late,noauto rw 0 0

But when booting, I get an fstab error Inappropriate file type or format for lines 12 and 13 which are the two lines which contain the two commands shown above.

I have installed fusefs-ntfs, and included fusefs in my kldlist in my rc.conf as stated in the handbook, but it fails as above.

Yet I can do ntfs-3g /dev/ada0s2 /mnt/WIN10 , etc. from the command line and it works just fine.

Another funny thing is that the same additions to /etc/fstab works just fine on my downstairs install of FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE

Color me baffled.

You have one too many fields in fstab line, mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,late,noauto and rw are both options so should be in the same field (according to the header comment), try:
/dev/ada0s2 /mnt/WIN10 ntfs rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,late,noauto 0 0
You have one too many fields in fstab line, mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,late,noauto and rw are both options so should be in the same field (according to the header comment), try:
/dev/ada0s2 /mnt/WIN10 ntfs rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,late,noauto 0 0

Thank you for this. After looking at the same input to /etc/fstab on my working install in my shop, I discovered that there was a comma after the mountprog part of the line, which told me that all that and the rw part should be all one command.

So, I obviously simply left that connecting comma out of the command in my non-working version.

It has been these little things I have missed that have fouled me up several times lately, but I am learning to look for them now.

Again, thank you for the help. I will mark this thread as solved.

Ha! It turns out that my error was even smaller than not writing a comma where it was needed: the error was adding a space after the comma.

All is well in my FreeBSD user-land for now.

Now on to greater things: more configuring to be done, and more errors to be expected.

Again, thanks.
