Which Tool Should I Use?

Which tool (portupgrade, portmanager, portmaster) would you suggest for use with -STABLE? Will use the tool just to upgrade installed ports. Like
# portupgrade -a
Majorix said:
Will use the tool just to upgrade installed ports.
You can't use them for anything else ;)

wblock@ said:
ports-mgmt/portmaster. I switched to it a while back after using portupgrade for years, mainly because it is actively developed and supported.
+1. I changed too after years of using portupgrade. Mainly because portmaster has no dependencies and doesn't use a database that can get corrupted.
Thanks for the replies guys.

I have installed ports-mgmt/portmaster.

I have a question: I have seen portmaster being used to install ports too. Does anybody here use portmaster for this purpose or do you prefer the casual way?
Majorix said:
Does anybody here use portmaster for this purpose or do you prefer the casual way?
I also use it on my "build-server".

For example:
# portmaster -dg x11/xorg-minimal

The -d will clean "old" distfiles if they're there and -g will create a package once the build is done.
I have been doing it the usual way:
# make install clean
Should I continue doing so or switch to portmaster for installing ports as well?
I prefer portmaster as it traverses all option menus before starting the actual build.
OK seems like I will go with portmaster. The only problem is that I don't know much of the command line arguments, except for those that appear in portmaster.rc. My searches for a manpage also failed. Where can I get a complete guide/manual for portmaster?
I've been using consistently three variations of portmaster:
portmaster -PP www/lynx
portmaster -P -B -d -i -g /var/db/pkg/lynx-... #(package upstream?)
portmaster -B -d -i -g /var/db/pkg/lynx-... www/elinks x11/xterm # multiple
... sometimes with that as the tail of an xargs pipe
... | xargs -J % portmaster -d -B -P -i -g %