Which one to download?

what kind of installation:
over internet: download boot only iso - it will boot into installation and will fetch specified distributions: kernel,base,ports..what you select from internet and will install it.
all cd set or dvd: boot, install base system,add packages, no network, need just become disk jokey (frequent disk change)
download disc1 for install of base,kernel,man, src, some minor configuration, boot into ready system - add apps at will
link is pointing to i386 but if you have 64 intel cpu then download amd64 port - amd64 mean all 64 bit cpu's -both amd and intel
amd introduce first 64bit so the get the honor to name os port after them
more questions ? :)
Wow! Your replies are so much more detailed then the ones I got over at the ubuntu community. Yet another reason to switch from Linux to FreeBSD :)