Which GUI to choose?

I recently switched from Windows Xp on FreeBSD. In Windows XP, only one GUI - Explorer. I found that in UNIX have a choice: GNOME, KDE, OpenBox - what to choose?

I installed PC-BSD - he was using KDE. I have a very fast computer - no inhibitions. But I do not like multimedia interface (similar to Windows 7).

Now, I installed FreeBSD 8 and GNOME2. I like GNOME - but it's too big. To start GNOME2, I installed X11 - startx. startx - Very compact GUI - stunned. But as run LibreOffice 3 or Battlefield Bad Company 2?

What advice would you give GUI?
- Run LibreOffice
- Run FireFox
- Run Gimp
- Run Battlefield Bad Company 2 (made a separate topic)
Thank you.
You can't run Battlefield natively - it's only for Windows. You can try with emulators/wine or emulators/virtualbox-ose, but there's no guarantee either will work. Furthermore, to play games with VirtualBOX, you need a really powerful PC. As for running Firefox, GIMP and Libreoffice - I'm no quiet sure what you mean. Is it a translation error and you mean installing or actual launching? If you want to install, then do:
cd /usr/ports/graphics/gimp && make install clean
(an example for GIMP). To launch it:
GNOME and KDE are quiet heavy and not everyone likes it. A lighter alternative would be XFCE, but it's still a DE. If you want something really light, try installing only some WM. Most of them require you to spend some time to customize it, but WindowMaker is both light and easily customizable (with GUI). I use WindowMaker on my laptop with Debian (can't install FreeBSD - no drivers, maybe soon) and I really like it.
Only just found openBox.

Install all components:
# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/openbox && make && make install clean
# cd /usr/ports/x11-themes/openbox-themes && make && make install clean
# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/obconf && make && make install clean
# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/obmenu && make && make install clean

To start openBox:
# echo "openbox-session" >> ~/.xinitrc

Start openBox:
# startx

Start the terminal:
- Right click -> Terminals -> Xterm
# mkdir -p ~/.config/openbox
# cp /usr/local/etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/
# chmod 0644 ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml

Setup menu:
# obmenu

Setting up windows:
# obconf

Very nice window manager. Installed very quickly.
doorways said:
I like GNOME - but it's too big.
GNOME versions prior to 2.20 are nice and relatively light.
Version 2.16 is used by RHEL 5 even now!
So, the apps you intend to run do not depend on the GUI at all.
KDE and GNOME are complete desktop environments and they can launch any application
But practical people prefer window managers. Why?
The advantage of a window manager is that it's light, does not pull in too
many dependencies, not bloated, fast.
But it must be customized!
During the past decade XFCE was considered, and for good reason, an alternative
to KDE/GNOME. It is able to launch almost any app, but XFCE grew bloated.
I am using Fluxbox.
Here are my customizations:
session.screen0.titlebar.left:	Stick 
[color="Red"]session.screen0.workspaceNames:	Workspace 1,Workspace 2,Workspace 3,Workspace 4,Workspace 
5,Workspace 6,Workspace 7,Workspace 8,Workspace 9,Workspace 10,
session.menuFile:	~/.fluxbox/menu[/FILE]
[FILE]! fluxbox-update_configs added '(workspace=[current])' to (Next|Prev)(Window|Group)
! check lines marked by 'FBCV13' if they are correctly updated
!mouse actions added by fluxbox-update_configs
OnTitlebar Mouse1 :MacroCmd {Focus} {Raise} {ActivateTab}
!mouse actions added by fluxbox-update_configs
OnTitlebar Move1 :StartMoving
OnLeftGrip Move1 :StartResizing bottomleft
OnRightGrip Move1 :StartResizing bottomright
OnWindowBorder Move1 :StartMoving

# click on the desktop to get menus
OnDesktop Mouse1 :HideMenus
OnDesktop Mouse2 :WorkspaceMenu
OnDesktop Mouse3 :RootMenu
[color="Red"]F12 :RootMenu 
# scroll on the desktop to change workspaces
OnDesktop Mouse4 :PrevWorkspace
OnDesktop Mouse5 :NextWorkspace
[color="Red"]Control Mod1 Left :PrevWorkspace
Control Mod1 Right :NextWorkspace
# Generated by fluxbox-generate_menu
# If you read this it means you want to edit this file manually, so here
# are some useful tips:
# - You can add your own menu-entries to ~/.fluxbox/usermenu
# - If you miss apps please let me know and I will add them for the next
#   release.
# - The -r option prevents removing of empty menu entries and lines which
#   makes things much more readable.
# - To prevent any other app from overwriting your menu
#   you can change the menu name in ~/.fluxbox/init to:
#     session.menuFile: ~/.fluxbox/my-menu
[begin] (Fluxbox-1.3.1)
[encoding] {UTF-8}
      [exec] (xterm) {xterm} 
      [exec] (lynx) {xterm -e lynx fluxbox.org}
[submenu] (Terminals)
      [color="Red"][exec]   (aterm) {aterm}
      [exec]   (eterm) {Eterm}[/color] 	      
      [exec]   (xterm) {xterm}
[submenu] (Net)
[submenu] (Browsers)
      [color="Red"][exec]   (lynx) {xterm -e lynx fluxbox.org}
      [exec]   (opera) {opera-devel}	
      [exec]   (linux-opera) {linux-opera}	
      [exec]   (firefox) {firefox} </usr/local/share/pixmaps/firefox.png>	
[submenu] [color="Red"](Instant Messenger)
      [exec]   (skype)   {skype}	
      [exec]   (pidgin)  {pidgin}[/color] 	
[submenu] [color="Red"](Torrent Client)
      [exec]   (Azureus)   {azureus}	
      [exec]   (qbittorrent)  {qbittorrent}[/color]	
[submenu] (Editors)
      [exec]   (vi) {xterm -e vi}
      [color="Red"][exec]   (gedit) {gedit}  	
[submenu] (Multimedia)
[submenu] (Graphics)
      [exec]   (gimp) {gimp}
      [color="Red"][exec]   (blender)  {blender}
      [exec]   (xv)  {xv}[/color]
[submenu] (X-utils)
      [exec] (Reload .Xdefaults) {xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults}
[submenu] (Office)
      [exec]   (xcalc) {xcalc}
      [color="Red"][exec]   (Open Office) {openoffice.org-3.3.0} 	
      [exec]   (Document Viewer) {evince} 	
      [exec]   (xchm)  {xchm}[/color]	
[submenu] (System Tools)
      [exec]   (top) {xterm -e top}
[submenu] (Fluxbox menu)
      [config] (Configure)
[submenu] (System Styles) {Choose a style...}
      [stylesdir] (/usr/local/share/fluxbox/styles)
[submenu] (User Styles) {Choose a style...}
      [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
      [workspaces] (Workspace List)
[submenu] (Window Managers)
      [restart] (twm) {twm}
      [commanddialog] (Fluxbox Command)
      [reconfig] (Reload config)
      [restart] (Restart)
      [exec] (About) {(fluxbox -v; fluxbox -info | sed 1d) | xmessage -file - -center}
      [exit] (Exit)

The changes made by me are highlighted.
Originally Posted by UNIXgod.
try before you buy. There are many window managers and desktops to choose from. To run the apps you listed you could run any of them

Eyes run. Thank you.
Yes, I am not interested in pay window managers.
doorways said:
Eyes run. Thank you.
Yes, I am not interested in pay window managers.

It's a saying. Kinda making fun of it as it's ironic. All the software listed on that site is open source.

Either way the point is to discover which "gui" works best for your style. There are many out there because many people have different workflows and philosophy on user interface and interactivity. The open source world is a very eclectic place. Most certainly you will find one that works the way that fits your personal preferences.
Originally Posted by Bunyan.
But practical people prefer window managers. Why?

Do not even know. I love the simplicity. The principle of "Occam's Razor":).

For Bunyan.
Thanks for the recommendation of XFCE and Fluxbox.
Originally Posted by Bunyan.
That was an English saying, folklore.

Originally Posted by UNIXgod.
It's a saying. Kinda making fun of it as it's ironic. All the software listed on that site is open source.

Yps, sorry all.

Originally Posted by UNIXgod.
Either way the point is to discover which "gui" works best for your style. There are many out there because many people have different workflows and philosophy on user interface and interactivity. The open source world is a very eclectic place. Most certainly you will find one that works the way that fits your personal preferences.

I really liked the principle openBox.
Nothing more. Compact. Fast. Another look: XFCE and Fluxbox.

Thank you all.
Now I have more questions than it at first.
doorways said:
Do not even know. I love the simplicity. The principle of "Occam's Razor":).

For Bunyan.
Thanks for the recommendation of XFCE and Fluxbox.

If you like Fluxbox you also like e16. It's basically fluxbox on steroids. I used both for years. They are both very good.
I installed XFce.
# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4
# make  && make install clean
# echo "/usr/local/bin/startxfce4" > ~/.xinitrc

# startx

- Just a black screen. Will not start.

etc. I removed the startup openBox.
Install all components:
# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/fluxbox && make && make install clean

To start fluxbox:
# echo "fluxbox" >> ~/.xsession
# echo "/usr/local/bin/fluxbox" >> ~/.xinitrc

Start fluxbox:
# startx

An interesting window manager. already has the Opera Web Browser. Mini office. A few games. Terminals.

I wonder how this Russify manager.
Originally Posted by cra1g321.
Remember if your installing OpenBox, you will need a task panel like tint2, the port for it is called tint

I do not quite understand you. Sorry, I have a translated problem.

am I need install tint2?
# whereis tint2
Port with that name is not found.
doorways said:
I do not quite understand you. Sorry, I have a translated problem.

am I need install tint2?
# whereis tint2
Port with that name is not found.

If you are going to be installing openbox, then you will need a task panel which will show all of the applications you have open. An example would be tint2.
the port name for tint2 is tint (whereis tint)

You will not need tint2 if you are installing fluxbox.
Originally Posted by cra1g321.
You won't need tint2 if you are installing fluxbox.
the port name for tint2 is tint (whereis tint)

Oh, I understand. Thank you very much.
Are you a fan openBOX? What GUI are you using?
doorways said:
Oh, I understand. Thank you very much.
Are you a fan openBOX? What GUI are you using?

I often distro-hop between various linux distros and FreeBSD. I've used KDE4,Gnome2,OpenBox,XFCE and a little bit of fluxbox.
Currently I'm using Gnome3 on Arch Linux.

My favourite window manager would be openbox, loved it when i was using it on CrunchBang Linux.
Will probably use it on FreeBSD as it's easily customizable and very-lightweight

Heres links to screenshots of my old openbox desktop just to show you what openbox looks like when its themed -
http://cra1g321.deviantart.com/art/CrunchBang-Linux-OpenBox-217181556?q=sort:time crunchbang&qo=30
http://cra1g321.deviantart.com/art/CrunchBang-Linux-OpenBox-2-217181911?q=sort:time crunchbang&qo=29