ZFS Where is ZFS volume information stored


I boot from a sata drive and then have sas drives set up as raid. It seemed to work very well, except now I tried using a backup that was created before I set this up zfs raid. I am unsure how to recover it.

I think to give you advice we need more details. Is that extra disk a backup of your SATA root/boot disk, or of one of the SAS data disks in the RAID? What do you mean by "recover"? Has your current disk failed and you want to substitute the backup for it? Do you want to mount the backup disk (while the system continues to operate normally) and pull a few files from it? Have you modified the primary disks since making the backup?

In general, using dd to copy a whole disk (or file system partition) is no longer considered a good way to do backups. The reason is exactly what you hinted at: In modern file systems (such as ZFS), the data on disk includes information about what this disk contains (which pool, which file system, ...), and if the OS sees two copies of the same information, it is easy to get confused. For traditional file systems (such as UFS and ext2), the dd technique worked decently, because the information about which partition is used how and where is not in the partition itself, but in the fstab file in /etc.

Today, to take backups of a ZFS file system, the most accepted technique is to use send/receive to a second disk, and organize the data by snapshots.
I should have explained it this way. I have never been able to boot from the SAS raid, so what I have been doing is I have a Sata drive that it boots from. I did a manual setup so that it was not using ZFS. After I was happy with the way it was setup used dump | restore to copy it to the zroot on the SAS drives. Then in /boot/loader.conf I put vfs.root.mountfrom="zfs:zroot". I though this maybe messy to boot it this way, but it worked perfectly until, it stopped booting yesterday. I thought this would be safe to use dd on this drive to make a copy. This is where I am at a loss, because I guess there must have been updates to it since I made a copy of it because although it would boot, it would not load the SAS driver. Still, I could mount the old boot drive and I used tar to copy /boot/kernel to the backup, ofcourse backing up /boot/kernel first. Now, it is loading the kernel drivers for the SAS controller and is booting into zroot again.