Solved What's happened to ipfilter?

Boot message:
ipfilter module doesn't loaded.
I have changed nothing. Does 10.1 not like ipfilter? If so, why not? All the firewalls (pf, ipfw, ipfilter) are frontends for ip_tables, there's no reason to abandon it.
I'm on 10.1 and # service ipfilter onestart works, so it doesn't appear abandoned.

UPDATE: It may not have run, but no error was reported. # ps -ax |grep ip doesn't show me anything.

UPDATE 2: I just had to set some rules.

# service ipfilter start
Enabling ipfilter.
All the firewalls (pf, ipfw, ipfilter) are frontends for ip_tables, no
reason to abandon it.

IPFilter is a third party firewall written by Darren Reed since 1995. It is the original firewall of BSD UNIX. PF is OpenBSD's, originally written by Daniel Hartmeier. It appeared in OpenBSD 3.0, which was released on 1 December 2001. The initial motivation for the aggressive development of PF was Darren Reed's change of license for IPFilter which was the trigger for the OpenBSD team to remove IPFilter, including many custom patches, from OpenBSD 2.9. Since then PF has been ported to all BSDs but it is mostly very outdated with the exception of Apple's OS X where it is relatively updated.

IPFW is a genuine FreeBSD firewall. I am not familiar with the original motivation for developing IPFW. Until a couple of years ago it was also used by OS X but it has been depreciated in favour of PF three years ago.

Linux IP Tables is just a Linux clone of IPFW which has diverged a lot since the original inspiration. Linux has some other unsuccessful IP Tables alternatives (it is not like IP tables are successfully anyway).

NetBSD is developing a genuine NPF for NetBSD.

There are two FreeBSD derivatives specialized as firewall distributions. m0n0wall is based on the original PHP firewall interface and it is IPFirewall under the hood. It is specialized in embedded deployments. pfSense is another PHP face for FreeBSD which under the hood is using PF. The caveat of pfSense is that it suffers the same problem as FreeBSD, which means that PF is terribly outdated.
Sorry, it was a little bit rough yesterday. Mea culpa, it was not ipfilter. It was the messed up rc.d directory. Now it works normally, the problem has been solved.