What's going on with Firefox?

I was scanning through FreshPorts and looking for some fresh things. But, the Latest Vulnerabilities side bar, full of firefox, fired-up my attentiono_O

At this point, Lynx, Links or W3M seem like the better choices for browsing around WWW. Or, maybe I should fire up my old Atari and try CAB browser😁
Those vulnerabilities are for older www/firefox versions.
DO you think that "current version" of firefox, and for that matter all other software applications, will stay unaffected by various vulnerabilities for long? I was just referring to the long list of the recent and latest vulnerabilities in firefox.
Like most big heavy network related applications, they are better off being placed in a Jail.
If possible, reset that jail every time you use it.

It is a big faff but until developers show some basic competence at writing web browser software, it is the only reasonable solution IMO.
If I can joke, chromium,firefox,rust need to be integrated in systemd. But seriously, browsers might need another design model. However next to chromium and firefox the choices are limited. Just maybe epiphany.