So I have lately decided to start using freebsdFreeBSD as my desktop. My hard requirement is for my system to be open source due to privacy concerns. I plan to use it in minimalistic CLI fashion, install only things that are needed. So rttorent, mutt, mplayer, vi, etc. and some light graphics interface like fluxbox for firefox. I want opensource system so iI could just stick with Linux but since iI will mainly use cli iI would like my system to be more monolitic and integral. I find desktop Linux too messy and distracting.
What type of hardware caniI currently buy to run it on?
I want SDD disk and mobility. I don't care if it is PC or laptopiI want it to be light and possible to travel by plane with. I don't need it to work outside of my home, but iI want it to be easy to change location that iI work from.
So what type of modern hardware would work without massive problems?
I am open to stuff like expensive new ultrabooks, old refurbished laptops, Intel NUCs or other small mini PCs. Basicly everything,iI just want system that works. What type of stuff do you guys use as workstation freebsdFreeBSD?
What type of hardware can
I want SDD disk and mobility. I don't care if it is PC or laptop
So what type of modern hardware would work without massive problems?
I am open to stuff like expensive new ultrabooks, old refurbished laptops, Intel NUCs or other small mini PCs. Basicly everything,
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