I'm using the directions from https://wiki.freebsd.org/VladimirKrstulja/Guides/FreeBSDUpdateReverseProxy to setup a reverse proxy for
I've added the following line
to the
Also, should I use the same directory here as the document root (/var/cache/freebsd-update/) or is it better to use another directory as I've done.
but I was wondering what are the preferred cache settings. I need to upgrade 6 jails so this cache should save some download time.I've added the following line
proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=freebsd_update:10m;
to the
section of nginx.conf. When monitoring the directory size I see it fluctuating between 10MB and 40MB while doing an upgrade to 11.1-RELEASE in one of my jails.Also, should I use the same directory here as the document root (/var/cache/freebsd-update/) or is it better to use another directory as I've done.