WebDav on FreeBSD?

Hi All

I think I need to set up WebDav but am having difficulty figuring out how.

I'm moving this spring so I condensed my server rack into a few dedicated boxes and a fairly powerful IBM Thinkpad. All is working well. I have a second laptop that I will configure to match to act as a backup in case this one has a problem.

What I would like is to store/backup important files on the server I have for my website. It is at A2 hosting and I have a registered URL for my business. There is a ton of space there that I could utilize if I could just figure out how to link FreeBSD to the server.

I've been googling and searching all morning but nothing seems to specifically describe setting up WebDav on FreeBSD. Do I need to add something in the file manager or do I access it with FF or is there some desktop icon or start menu shortcut?

I almost think that the lack of information on it suggests it is so easy I'm going to slap my head when I find out.

Are you aiming to set it up as a server or client? As a server you'll need either Nginx or Apache with the DAV module. As a client, there's FUSE implementations or various command-line tools. All of the above would be found in packages/ports.
I looked up Webdave with fuse but it looked too difficult. Since I only need to back up files I set up an ftp account and I'll transfer from inside Midnite Commander.

Thanks All!
cadaver is the command line tool.

Gnome VFS has build-in WebDAV support.

There is also Poettering's fusedav based on libneon and a number of forks of it.

And finally Pantheon's fusedav which looks more promising on paper, but I was unable to compile it. However it's worth checking out if there were more people interested.

Apart from that there is also fusefs-davfs2, but it requires superuser privileges to run, and fusefs-webdavfs written in go, but I had some problem with it.