Other Wayfire vs Hyprland anyone?

Nice one, thanks a lot. I tried it out and I could easily start it with my slightly changed x11-wm/sway startup script.

I did not check if there are better ways to run Hyprland, but it should definitely be a starting point:


export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/$USER/.xdg
export CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
#export GDK_BACKEND=wayland
export XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=evdev
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl
export BEMENU_BACKEND=wayland
export XCURSOR_THEME=whiteglass

[ -d $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR ] || mkdir -m 700 -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR

exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session Hyprland
Played around a little bit with Hyprland because it looks quite nice with all its' eyecandy and I though I could replace sway as my daily driver with it.

It seems like it is not too stable yet though, it core dumped on me quite a few times and/or it closed the open application windows, so be careful for now.

I would love to hear experience of others and if it gets ready for prime time soon though.
Played around a little bit with Hyprland because it looks quite nice with all its' eyecandy and I though I could replace sway as my daily driver with it.

It seems like it is not too stable yet though, it core dumped on me quite a few times and/or it closed the open application windows, so be careful for now.

I would love to hear experience of others and if it gets ready for prime time soon though.
I need to correct this post. I have spent some more time on it and it seems that the stability issues were mainly bugs in the applications (maybe due to Wayland in general, I saw these crashes under Sway as well) or my configuration mistakes.

So it seems like Hyprland indeed is a very nice Wayland environment for FreeBSD already.
Hello. I know my point is off topic :), but I successfully installed Hyprland in Debian stable (Debian 11). For this purpose I used Nix package manager and Nix Flakes. It took about two hours to compile code :)

pebkac any tips or recommendations you could please give to prevent others from making the same configuration mistakes?
Yes, patience :)

E.g. be aware that you can assign the same key shortcuts twice, so if you assign e.g. SUPER+Q to new terminal and forget to remove the close current app entry, you will notice that the current terminal (or other application that has the focus) gets closed and a new terminal starts afterwards - so to me it looked like the app crashed before it was started again instead of having the app running twice.

Also you might look at posted configurations like https://codeberg.org/nawfal/hyprland/src/branch/master or https://github.com/notwidow/hyprland for working example configurations.
I tried installing/running Hyprland on my AMD MiniPC (an ASUS PN50 with 64 GB of RAM and a 2TB NVMe SSD) on FreeBSD 13.2 but when launching Hyprland it complains either about the XDG Portal path being nonexistant (I looked up how to export that and it gets past that error when I do) or that seatd can't literally take a seat? Something like that? I've seen people posting screenshots of Hyprland running on FreeBSD on https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn and I'm curious and I want to play with it. I'm trying to get it working to my satisfaction on my Arch Linux (pure Arch, not a distro) install here on my main PC build, and I've made some progress, but having it run on a non-Linux would be cool for a tinkerer (wannabe? lol) like me.
That script works for me to start Hyprland (I don't remember why I commented out the GDK_BACKEND... at some point, had to do with a specific application for sure):


export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/$USER/.xdg
export CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
#export GDK_BACKEND=wayland
export XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=evdev
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl
export BEMENU_BACKEND=wayland
export XCURSOR_THEME=whiteglass

[ -d $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR ] || mkdir -m 700 -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR

exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session Hyprland