bhyve vm at boot

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone knows how or if its possible to launch a vm on host reboot .. I'm guessing it may be possible with some sort of vnc and start up script?
ideally .. id love to be able to boot directly into several vm's under X so you could alt-f1/10 throught them in full screen .. I always find myself using the trifecta of os's and although tmux is awesome.. it would be nice to have a full blow window manager..

dono, may be a pipe.. but ..
I have a bunch of VMs starting at boot. I would suggest using sysutils/vm-bhyve as it makes it really easy to manage VMs.
 # vm list
case            default    bhyveload  4    4096M   -             Yes [3]    Running (2536)
jenkins         default    bhyveload  4    4096M   -             Yes [5]    Running (3062)
kdc             default    none       2    2048M  Yes [2]    Running (2217)
debian          stor10k    grub       2    4096M   -             No         Stopped
gitlab          stor10k    bhyveload  4    6144M   -             Yes [10]   Running (4915)
gitlab-runner   stor10k    bhyveload  4    4096M   -             Yes [11]   Running (4906)
kibana          stor10k    bhyveload  4    6144M   -             Yes [1]    Running (2014)
lady3jane       stor10k    bhyveload  4    4096M  Yes [12]   Running (4843)
plex            stor10k    bhyveload  4    4096M   -             Yes [6]    Running (3582)
riviera         stor10k    bhyveload  2    4096M   -             Yes [9]    Running (4628)
sdgame01        stor10k    bhyveload  4    4096M   -             No         Stopped
tessierashpool  stor10k    bhyveload  4    32768M  -             Yes [4]    Running (3040)
wintermute      stor10k    bhyveload  4    4096M   -             Yes [8]    Running (4361)
id love to be able to boot directly into several vm's under X so you could alt-f1/10 throught them in full screen
It doesn't work that way.

I always find myself using the trifecta of os's and although tmux is awesome.. it would be nice to have a full blow window manager..
Then have a X desktop system and just open multiple terminal windows. Each terminal connected to a different server. Alt-tab between them and run tmux in each terminal session to switch sessions on that server. It's going to make it easier to copy/paste between the different terminal windows too. I typically have a whole bunch of windows open to different servers. Or if you really need to use a GUI application then use ssh(1) with X forwarding and have the window open on your desktop directly.
Then have a X desktop system and just open multiple terminal windows. Each terminal connected to a different server. Alt-tab between them and run tmux in each terminal session to switch sessions on that server. It's going to make it easier to copy/paste between the different terminal windows too. I typically have a whole bunch of windows open to different servers. Or if you really need to use a GUI application then use ssh(1) with X forwarding and have the window open on your desktop directly.

sounds like what Ill end up doing.. starting all the apps under a WM is fairly simple .. I was just hoping to find a way to make it "seamless" on boot.

for example, on my windows laptop.. mobaxterm is divine .. configure a seperate tab for each system and it manages them all effortlessly regardless if they are cmd line/(ssh), vnc or xservers. It's really doesnt matter... it's quite sick. with the added ability to go full screen and map keys you can basically get the "multi desktop" of a wm .. but insted of desktops.. they are vm's.. or vnc..

ie I usually map alt+arrow keys to switch to desktop 1-4 .. or alt arrows to send an application to say desktop 3 .. if that was 3 or 4 full screen vm's or multiplexes .. that would be the bomb.