Solved vlc and streaming

vlc cannnot play links from soundcloud, vimeo and dailymotion (and I fear more of them). Youtube works.
soundcloud.luac and similar files are there. I have compiled multimedia/vlc with nearly all options on (except skins, smb, v4l).
vlc -vvv output:

lua demux warning: Error while running script /usr/local/lib/vlc/lua/playlist/soundcloud.luac, function parse(): lua/playlist/soundcloud.lua:51: attempt to concatenate global 'token' (a nil value)
(same message for dailymotion).

for vimeo
lua demux error: Couldn't extract vimeo video URL, please check for updates to this script
Thanks for the patch, but I still can't play the soundcloud stream.
Now without any error message.
It something to configure to be able streaming with vlc ?
It failed for soundcloud, vimeo and dailymotion (maybe more).
Youtube works. The urls work with mpv-player but also did not work with (s)mplayer.
I think the patch was okay. The reason for this seems something complete other, I have multimedia/vlc compiled with nearly all options on).
Well, I compiled vlc with these options.
# make -C /usr/ports/multimedia/vlc showconfig
===> The following configuration options are available for vlc-2.2.1_9,4:
     A52=on: AC-3 support via liba52
     AALIB=off: AAlib graphics library support
     ASS=on: ASS/SSA subtitle rendering
     AVAHI=on: Zeroconf support via Avahi
     CACA=off: libcaca graphics library support
     DBUS=on: D-Bus IPC system support
     DCA=on: DTS support via libdca
     DIRAC=off: Dirac codec support via libdirac
     DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation
     DVDNAV=off: DVD menu navigation
     DVDREAD=off: DVD Playback support
     FAAD=on: FAAD AAC decoder support
     FLAC=on: FLAC lossless audio codec support
     FLUID=off: Fluidsynth MIDI support
     FRIBIDI=off: Bidirectional text support via GNU FriBidi
     GME=on: Game Music Emu (libgme) support
     GNOMEVFS2=off: GnomeVFS2 (virtual file system) support
     GNUTLS=on: SSL/TLS support via GnuTLS
     GOOM=off: Goom visualisation plugin
     HTTPD=on: httpd output streaming support
     JACK=off: JACK audio server support
     KATE=off: Kate codec support
     LIBBLURAY=off: Blu-ray discs support via libbluray
     LIBRSVG2=off: SVG vector graphics support via librsvg2
     LIBSSH2=off: SCP/SFTP support via libssh2
     LIRC=off: Infrared remote control support
     LIVEMEDIA=on: Multimedia streaming support via liveMedia
     LUA=on: Lua scripting language support
     MAD=on: MAD MP3 audio decoder support
     MATROSKA=on: Matroska container format support
     MODPLUG=off: ModPlug decoder support
     MPEG2=on: MPEG-2 video support via libmpeg2
     MTP=off: Media Transfer Protocol support
     MUSEPACK=off: MPC audio format support
     NCURSES=off: Console (text) interface support
     NLS=on: Native Language Support
     NOTIFY=off: Desktop notification support
     OGG=on: Ogg media format support
     OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS=on: Use extra compiler optimizations
     OPUS=on: Opus audio codec support
     PNG=on: PNG image format support
     PULSEAUDIO=off: PulseAudio sound server support
     QT4=off: Qt 4 toolkit support
     QT5=on: Qt 5 toolkit support
     REALRTSP=off: Real RTSP access module
     RUNROOT=off: Enable running as root
     SAMPLERATE=on: Sample rate conversion support
     SCHROEDINGER=off: Dirac video codec support via libschroedinger
     SDL=on: Simple Direct Media Layer support
     SHOUTCAST=off: SHOUTcast and Ogg Icecast support
     SKINS=off: Skins interface module
     SMB=off: SMB network protocol support
     SPEEX=on: Speex audio format support
     STREAM=on: stream output
     TAGLIB=on: ID3 tag and Ogg comment support
     THEORA=on: Ogg Theora video codec support
     TWOLAME=on: TwoLAME MP2 audio encoder support
     UPNP=off: UPnP protocol support
     V4L=on: Video 4 Linux support
     VAAPI=on: VAAPI (GPU video acceleration) support
     VCD=on: Audio/Video CD support
     VDPAU=on: VDPAU (GPU video acceleration) support
     VORBIS=on: Ogg Vorbis audio codec support
     X11=on: X11 (graphics) support
     X264=on: H.264 video codec support via x264
     X265=off: H.265 video codec support via x265
     ZVBI=off: VBI decoding support
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
vlc definite do not found the url. If I copy the url from the output of mpv -v it works.
(on linux vlc plays it normal).

Same behaviour with vimeo. vlc states:
lua demux error: Couldn't extract vimeo video URL, please check for updates to this script

(Tried to copy the script from linux, but this changes also nothing).

No idea, what is working wrong.
Vlc definite do not found the url. If I copy the url from the output of mpv -v it works.
(on linux vlc plays it normal).

Same behaviour with vimeo. vlc states:
lua demux error: Couldn't extract vimeo video URL, please check for updates to this script

(Tried to copy the script from linux, but this changes also nothing).

No idea, what is working wrong.

Yes, the vimeo.lua script is outdated too.

This patch should fix it.
Thanks for the patch, but the file you patched does not exist. A vimeo.lua exists but looks different, and the patch dies not "fitting".

The "problem" is
https: // 13401029 (I had to write it with spaces, cause formatting make in this case nonsense).
and the working link from the mpv output, looks like:
or for soundcloud
and the working one

and this is a big difference.
Oh sorry, was my missunderstood.
But both patches changing anything.
The soundcloud link now without error message (but don't work).
The vimeo link with
core demux meta debug: no meta reader modules matched
core input debug: `' successfully opened
lua demux error: Couldn't extract vimeo video URL, please check for updates to this script
I'm not sure why it fails in your case, please, post your vlc -vvv stream_url output.

Indeed, most of the lua playlist scripts need an update to use the new API.
Before I had never a look at this (Did not know I had look for this scripts on my own). Found some scripts which works. Thank you.