'Vanishing' threads in Howto section

Hi gang!

I'd like to request an update / addition of this post:


See; there has been a huge change in this section which initially scared the heck out of me: my thread disappeared. Normally you can edit your thread while you see an indication that it is waiting for moderator approval. Nowadays your thread just disappears completely and I really think you should mention this in your rules.

The first time this happened it scared the heck out of me because I usually put in quite some time in my guides, however I assumed it happened because I also replied to the thread (and thus put it on my 'todo'). Well, spoiler alert: I posted something again and this time the whole thread (1 post) went AWOL. So it's most definitely not an issue of multiple posts but just the way the forum works. And well, it's really annoying if you don't know what's happening.

So I'd like to suggest a new item:
  • Posts will be hidden! After you posted your thread you have some limited time to make adjustments but eventually the thread will disappear until a moderator approves it.
Or maybe an addition:
  • All new threads in this forum are automatically moderated. This means that a new thread will only appear after a moderator has approved it. Please be patient. You can edit your thread for x minutes after posting, but after that it will become invisible until a moderator approves it.
Where x minutes should obviously be filled out with the actual time.