C Using kqueue in event-driven application

Hi guys!

I have Linux multithread application with synchronization based on events (eventfd/poll). I would like to port it to FreeBSD using native FreeBSD calls and don't use linuxuator. So, I'm investigating kqueue and

EVFILT_USER approach. But I have faced with problem when I want to poll some number of particular events. My first approach is to use one kqueue descriptor for all events. For example: I created 50 EVFILT_USER events and attach them to one kqueue. In one of my thread I want to poll 10 from 50 events, so I do:

void *thread1(void *arg)


    int ret = -1;

    while (1) {

        struct kevent tevent[10] = { 0 };

        ret = kevent(kq, NULL, 0, tevent, 10, NULL);

        if (ret < 0) {

            /* handle error */



        if (ret > 0) {

            for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) {

                int event = tevent[i].ident;

                switch (event) {

                    case EVENT1:

                        /* handle EVENT1 */


                    case EVENT2:

                        /* handle EVENT2 */



                    case EVENT10:

                        /* handle EVENT10 */




                            Here we can catch the remaining 40 events.

                            Resend them?








In the "default" case in the "switch" there may be situation when I catch events that I'm not interesting in that thread (but another threads may awaits them). Do I need to just resend them? Is that good approach?

In Linux I can await just particular events and be sure that events 11-50 will not be caught by the thread's poll().


void *thread1(void *arg)


    int ret = -1;

    struct pollfd wait_events[10] = {0};

    wait_events[0].fd = event1;

    wait_events[0].events = POLLIN;


    wait_events[9].fd = event10;

    wait_events[9].events = POLLIN;

    while (1) {

        ret = poll(wait_events, 10, -1);

        if (ret < 0) {

            /* handle error */



        if (ret > 0) {

            if ((wait_events[0].revents & POLLIN) != 0) {

                /* handle event1 */




            if ((wait_events[9].revents & POLLIN) != 0) {

                /* handle event10 */






Another approach that I'm pondering is 1 kqueue <=> 1 event: I create a number of kqueue and attach just one EVFILT_USER event to each of them. In this case I could use poll() like in Linux example and poll kqueue descriptors. But this approach has problem two: I cannot reset kqueue descriptor like Linux eventfd descriptor by reading from it.

Could you please advice what is the best approach for event-driven application in FreeBSD? Is resending of non-interested events good like in my first code example?