Solved Updating Wordpress

I found an old installation of Wordpress (4.9.2) which is currently running under FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE amd64 and it shows:-

When selecting 'Please update now' it runs wordpress/wp-admin/update-core.php but I get a HTTP ERROR 500

Any ideas if I am able to update Wordpress from within the program on FreeBSD? Or should I just install latest.tar.gz over the top of the current version?
  1. Check your error logs to determine what the 500 is
  2. Re-read the install instructions to see if how you installed it caused the problem
  3. Fix the problem (and avoid it in the future)
  4. Back up the site
  5. Then if it doesn't upgrade, do the exact same thing you did to install it
in the wp base directory, the subdirectory wp-content and the whole tree below must be writable by user www.
cd into the wp base dir and then execute # chown -R www wp-content.

Then try upgrading as WP admin again.
  1. Check your error logs to determine what the 500 is
Not sure if I've identified the correct line as the log lines are very long, but this occurs near the begining of the line:-
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function gzinflate() in.

This is the function around line 947:-

// Finally fall back to straight gzinflate
if (false !== ($decompressed = @gzinflate($gzData))) {
     return $decompressed;

Can't see what it is complaining about...
pkg info php71-zlib:-
Name : php71-zlib
Version : 7.1.26
Installed on : Tue Feb 12 00:35:50 2019 GMT
Origin : archivers/php71-zlib
Architecture : FreeBSD:12:amd64
Prefix : /usr/local

pkg info | grep 'php'
mod_php72-7.2.16 PHP Scripting Language
php71-bz2-7.1.26 The bz2 shared extension for php
php71-ctype-7.1.26 The ctype shared extension for php
php71-filter-7.1.26 The filter shared extension for php
php71-hash-7.1.26 The hash shared extension for php
php71-json-7.1.26 The json shared extension for php
php71-mbstring-7.1.26 The mbstring shared extension for php
php71-openssl-7.1.26 The openssl shared extension for php
php71-tokenizer-7.1.26 The tokenizer shared extension for php
php71-zip-7.1.26 The zip shared extension for php
php71-zlib-7.1.26 The zlib shared extension for php
php72-7.2.16 PHP Scripting Language
php72-mysqli-7.2.16 The mysqli shared extension for php
php72-session-7.2.16 The session shared extension for php

so looks like a bit of a mish mash. Should I update all the php71* to php72* ?
To be honest this was installed a year ago and I've only just come across the problem so it must have been working to some extent... I'll try installing all the php72* modules and see if the error goes away.