Unable to update 7.1 because of freebsd-update bug

Some time ago I recieved a notice that support for 7.1 was near its end and that I should update. I carefully studied the handbook and started the update process, but freebsd-update required me to manually merge file after file from the /etc directory, and most of the time the changes affected only the versioning tags of the files. I wasn't sure if this was normal so I just kept going and merged a lot of them, but it was time-consuming and also irritating, so I didn't finish. How can I update the freebsd-update script so that it would work properly?
Sorry I cannot help with your specific question as I do not use freebsd-update; however I've UPDATING notes which suggest in the process of updating to
 cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/mergemaster; sh ./mergemaster -piPcv
... If you run mergemaster now, with those switches, it might fix if anything is broken. (If you know the keys, l==install left file lines, r==install right file lines (if merging) etc etc. Easy only after the first few times.
It must be extracted. If you still have the CD or ISO image, it can be found in a directory called src. I don't remember the exact path.

Run the included script:
# ./install.sh all