Solved UFS: too much usage...?

fresh install of FreeBSD , just xorg/jwm/browser some utils , home on second storage device (HDD),
just did a check and ...
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/nda0p2    231G     99G    113G    47%    /
devfs                1.0K      0B    1.0K     0%    /dev
/dev/nda0p1    295M    1.3M    294M     0%    /boot/efi
/dev/ada0p1    436G    625M    400G     0%    /usr/home

err... how on earth the / became 99GB! I almost replicated the same setup on VM (while still on Linux) just to test things, and was max 16GB there...

Its UFS, what I did extra on the installation process was to enable trim for the NVMe (/dev/nda0)
is there any automatic snapshot system tehre? (I know this is only exist for ZFS , maybe I am mistaken..)
Have you done a du -sk /* | sort -n and drilled down to see where the biggest use is hiding? Maybe there's a database in /var/db/ you didn't notice? Logging that exploded? A whole bunch of (big) packages installed ( pkg info -a -s)?
thanks, well, as I see now the 'used' column contains the mounted /home as well (mounted on other HDD) (with the exception of the home, its 94GB and displayed there as 625M, but the 'size' shows the correct partition sizes..
Ouch. Wait.. looks like it did not use the second drive for user's home..

That command shows /home .. and it's full , Def don't use the /usr/home , I bet I need to do this manually for the user... Thanks 👍
It's traditionally been a symlink:
dice@fbsd-test:~ % ll /home
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root wheel 8 Jul 13  2022 /home@ -> usr/home
But it sounds like yours isn't?
exactly, the /home is still on root /

I had the impression that FreeBSD created the home on the other partition (HDD) now I understand that I had to make the link manually. oh crap that almost drove me crazy(*) lol .. thanks for the help!!

(*) I mean during the data copy from ext4 to my $HOME, I was amazed how fast was the copy! (lack of sleep helped a bit for that ahahah)

classic PEBKAC case :-}
For a long time user's home directories defaulted to /usr/home, this changed to /home some time ago, you may not have realized this.
I thought /usr/home migration to /home and no longer creating the symlink was first released with 14.0 with a commit from March of last year.