Solved twm unable to open fontset [any]

After the 10 May update to x11-wm/twm, it no longer runs but exits with the message "unable to open fontset [any you care to name]".

Restoring the previous version of twm works (as expected). Anyone else have this issue?
Finally tracked it down to my .xinitrc file causing the issue with twm-1.0.10 (does not happen with twm-1.09)

Non working:
# tiny window manager
twm &
xv -root -rm 0 -mono -quit -quit ~/.backgrounds/stone1.png
# shutdown xterm
exec xterm -geometry 85x48+1088+246 -name login -iconic

twm &
xv -root -rm 0 -mono -quit -quit ~/.backgrounds/stone1.png
# shutdown xterm
xterm -geometry 85x48+1088+246 -name login -iconic
Can I make a slight suggestion?

Run your startup client apps FIRST, terminated by the (&) and the last line in xinitrc should be the window manager with no (&). This is the more standard way, and exiting your window manager will terminate the X session.
It's a good suggestion, but there was a reason -- now lost in the mists of time -- for not having it last. Unfortunately, just over a decade ago when I made the change I only noted "twm causes problems if last" in the log without saying what problems. I might experiment again when I have some time, so thanks for raising it.
It just gets more bizarre :)

While twm now runs fine for the desktop with the above .xinitrc tweak, the tightvnc vncserver issues the same twm: unable to open fontset [any you care to name].

The xstartup contained:

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &

The solution gleaned from an old Linux thread was:

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
LC_ALL=C twm

As a result, I have now tracked the problem with tightvnc down to my environment variable "LC_TIME=en_AU.US-ASCII" which is causing the issue. If I unset it, twm starts without complaint.

I tracked down LC_TIME to my .cshrc file:

# Below LC_TIME for seamonkey to show Australian dates in mail

So I'll live with the LC_ALL override.

No idea why this behaviour changed between twm-1.09 and twm-1.0.10.