Turkish keys act weirdly on some x applications.

Hello there, im using a turkish keyboard. i used setxkbmap to change my layout however whenever i use the keys ışğçö some x applications give me random numbers such as alacritty. However some other things like firefox accepts the input. can you help me out.
Running x11/alacritty with UTF-8 set to the login shell and "tr" set to X11 conf:




After editing /etc/login.conf it is requiered to run cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf to update the login class capability database, and log out / log in for any logged in user to take effect. Replace lang with tr_TR.UTF-8 if desired.


Section "InputClass"
        Identifier      "All Keyboards"
        MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
        Option          "XkbLayout" "us, tr"
        Option          "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrls_toggle"
I couldn't make it work, here is my /etc/login.conf and /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard.conf files, please enlighten me about what i did wrong.


Post the text please, not pictures. They're impossible to quote.
My .login_conf has languages set in the setenv parameter:

Note: i use german layout (de_DE.UTF-8) but you can easily change this to turkish

In .xinitrc i have this:
setxkbmap de -variant nodeadkeys -model pc105

No Xorg config files regarding language.
At the line end of :umask=022: a backslash (\) is missing. Don't forget to run cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf, and to log out and log in. "us" in keybord.conf is not a requirement, I added "tr"o my configuration.
Yep that fixed it. sadly now all my system become turkish not just keyboard. Is there a way to keep the system language english?
Is there a way to keep the system language english?
This is an issue that bothers me, too.
For some reasons when I tried to get german keyboard layout, I always got german system language, too, even when avoiding setting LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES etc.
My guess is that some other things might be somehow derived from the keyboard setting, maybe NLSPATH or the like.

Using an US-International variant avoids this problem, and allows plenty of accents being used (pressing accent key, then the accented key results in all possible variants of the according latin key used over the world).
But this is not a solution for everybody, so I too would appreciate if there is a clean solution to avoid getting a language mix as "system language"...
For some reasons when I tried to get german keyboard layout, I always got german system language, too, even when avoiding setting LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES etc.
I have the /etc/login.conf set as im my posting #1, and keymap="de.acc" in /etc/rc.conf , nothing else (I'm using on my systems german keyboard layout). System locale is US , german specific ü, ö, ä, ß keys are printed.