Solved Trying to install the proper driver to supports XHCI USB 3.0 devices like my mouse in Windows 7 virtualized with bhyve

The problem that I have is that I'm not able to move my mouse inside the Windows 7 VM x64 bit virtualized with bhyve (the best hypervisor in the BSD world) and I want to find a solution.

Maybe an idea could be to enable usb 3.0 on my Windows 7 x64 bit VM. For example windows 8 work well with xhci devices while win7 x64 bit sp1 doesn't. I have googled usb3 drivers for win7, but none of them work. This is the parameter that I need to add in bhyve to pass thru the xhci USB 3.0 devices that I use (mouse and keyboard (the keyboard works,I don't know why,but the mouse does not)

-s 30,xhci,tablet \

I think I need to know which kind of drivers I need. I would like to be helped in this. Below I want to attach some screenshots that may help us to understand :




I've got this interesting reply :

In the case of qemu, it can emulate some NEC XHCI controller (nec-usb-xhci), for which you'd probably be able to find some driver. No idea about bhyve (or whether you can do something like leverage the kernel part of it and use qemu for device emulation and so on, like how it works with kvm.

so. In the case of qemu I know that I should look for a NEC XHCI controller driver,but what about bhyve ? Does it emulate a NEC XHCI controller ?
The problem that I have is that I'm not able to move my mouse inside the Windows 7 VM x64 bit virtualized with bhyve (the best hypervisor in the BSD world) and I want to find a solution.
I do not understand your intention to use control through the Qemu window. If you need to get control of the Windows 7 guest system, then use the rdp protocol to access the guest system and control it using the remmina.
My intention is not to use control through the Qemu window,because it already works. It does not work if I use bhyve instead of qemu.

I'm using qemu on Windows to test and configure things because I can't configure the Windows 7 VM using bhyve,because my mouse does not move. When I have tested something,I will copy the WIndows 7 VM on FreeBSD and I virtualize that image with bhyve and I see if it worked.
I do not understand your intention to use control through the Qemu window. If you need to get control of the Windows 7 guest system, then use the rdp protocol to access the guest system and control it using the remmina.

Not tried,but I'm not sure that it works,because the problem is that Windows 7 lacks the USB / XHCI drivers and bhyve supports only XHCI.
My intention is not to use control through the Qemu window,because it already works. It does not work if I use bhyve instead of qemu.

I'm using qemu on Windows to test and configure things because I can't configure the Windows 7 VM using bhyve,because my mouse does not move. When I have tested something,I will copy the WIndows 7 VM on FreeBSD and I virtualize that image with bhyve and I see if it worked.
Then use the rdp protocol, the mouse and keyboard will work in it!
It seems that remmina for Windows does not exists. And my guest os is Windows 7. For Windows I found FreeRDP. Let me understand : should I install remmina on FreeBSD and I should enable Remote Desktop on Windows 7 ?
It seems that remmina for Windows does not exists. And my guest os is Windows 7. For Windows I found FreeRDP. Let me understand : should I install remmina on FreeBSD and FreeRDP on Windows 7 ?
1) remmina for unix platforms
run this on client controls (host or other system in local network) --------> protocol RDP --------> windows 7 (guest)
your system windows10 (host run "mstsc.exe") --------> protocol RDP --------> windows 7 (guest)
It seems that remmina for Windows does not exists. And my guest os is Windows 7. For Windows I found FreeRDP. Let me understand : should I install remmina on FreeBSD and I should enable Remote Desktop on Windows 7 ?
Yes, only enable Remote Desktop on Windows 7 (on guest os) and select account (do not forget to specify the password).
The Remmina / RDP method worked like a charm. Adding the XHCI drivers to Windows 7 didn't solve the mouse freezed on the middle of the screen.