I have absolute nothing against TrueOS but I think it is too much customized for my taste, to the point you cannot use
pkg(8) without the risk of breaking the system.
You can use it - however, it is not the "vanilla" pkg from FreeBSD but with some safeguards to play nice with the appcafe and the special upgrade mechanism TrueOS uses. I actually use pkg exclusively when removing packages, because AppCafe just removes every dependency without further notice and happily nukes your desktop setup on the way...
I'm running TrueOS on my desktops at work and my notebook and if i weren't such a lazy bastard and finally move all my stuff over to the ZFS-pool, also full-time on my desktop at home. Main reason: I'm a lazy bastard... TrueOS and Lumina only need little modifications to fit my daily workflow and both work really well nowadays. Especially with the first few releases and updates, some things broke (especially skylake/i915 graphics related), but either falling back to SCFB/Modesetting or just rolling back to the previous BE always gave me back a working system so I was quickly able to get back to work. (Yes, this would also apply to vanilla FreeBSD with a custom DE installation)
I'm also still evaluating TrueOS for the clients at our company - or better say I'm using the term "evaluation" for the test run for an upcoming transition to TrueOS on all Clients

The first 4 NUCs I've deployed are still fine after ~5 months, 5 more clients were installed since then and all users are quite happy so far. The automated deployment via Ansible still needs some polishing for some configurations, but basically works, and maintenance either via ansible or manually via SysAdm is working fine.
Yes, this could be all built from scratch with FreeBSD - but as said: I'm a lazy bastard

Also the support for current Intel graphics is key when trying to deploy on various intel-based client platforms with reasonable effort (I'm a one-man-show and have to run the whole infrastructure....)
On servers I rely on vanilla FreeBSD because I like to get my 8 hours of peaceful sleep every night. That's also why I migrated everything from linux to FreeBSD....
To refer to the original questions:
I think especially Lumina as a home-grown BSD-specific DE could be a great benefit not only for FreeBSD. Most (all?) other DEs often suffer from Linuxisms that either break things or need a lot of work to port/adapt to FreeBSD or even BSD in general.
Also the wider use of the -CURRENT branch through TrueOS and the increased feedback and also the work from iX that gets upstreamed might ease and accelerate the development and lead to more mature and tested -RELEASE branch (IMHO).
I don't know if iXsystems really wants to compete with the Windows or Mac world - I really hope they don't. These are completely different ecosystems and target groups. I doubt it would be of any benefit to try and "copy" any of these systems, because their typical users have vastly different concept of an operating system and how to work and interact with a computer.
Looking at the Linux world it went downhill really fast and really ugly since they (forcefully) tried to adapt linux to the desktop for the average pointy-clicky windows user. I doubt this kind of travesty would be possible in the FreeBSD ecosystem though...
So to sum it up:
I'm interested to know what FreeBSD users generally think about TrueOS.
I think TrueOS is beneficial for FreeBSD and I really like to use it on my desktop machines. Despite some modifications and specialties it's still mainly FreeBSD under the hood and thus also perfectly fits my every-day work with FreeBSD (and illumos) Servers.