Transmission keeps closing

I've installed transmission a number of times and this is the first time it has happened. When I start the application, it just closes itself after a couple of minutes.
I don't know what is causing it. I removed the application and reinstalled it again. Nothing has changed. Any ideas?
which transmission package are you using

Yes Master ? pkg search transmission
py311-transmission-rpc-4.3.1   Python module for Transmission bittorent client JSON-RPC protocol
transmission-4.0.6             Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-cli-4.0.6_1       Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-daemon-4.0.6_1    Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-docs-4.0.6_1      Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-gtk-4.0.6_1       Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-qt-4.0.6_1        Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-remote-gui-gtk2-5.18.0_21 Remote GUI for transmission daemon
transmission-remote-gui-qt5-5.18.0_21 Remote GUI for transmission daemon
transmission-remote-gui-qt6-5.18.0_21 Remote GUI for transmission daemon
transmission-utils-4.0.6_1     Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-web-4.0.6_1       Transmission BitTorrent client

im using


and havent had any issues

i also have this installed


which installs transmission-remote
have you set a port in the transmission settings

i open port 6881


and created a pf rule to allow access to that port

pf.conf for transmission

# variables, macro and tables                                             #

int_if="ue0" # usb to ethernet adaptor
#int_if="bge0" # thunderbolt to ethernet adaptor
#int_if="wlan0" # ralink usb wifi
vpn_if="tun0" # vpn interface
# 6881, 6882 = transmission. 22000, 21025 = syncthing
tcp_services = "{ ntp, 6881, 22000 }" # tcp services - torrent
udp_services = "{ ntp, 6882, 21025 }" # udp services - torrent
icmp_types = "{ echoreq, unreach }"
tcp_state="flags S/SA keep state"
udp_state="keep state"

#table <internet> { $all_networks, !self, !$int_if:network } # internet
#table <lan> { $int_if:network, !self }                      # lan network
table <myself> { self }                                     # self
table <martians> {     \
   }                         # broken networks

# global policy                                                           #

set block-policy drop
set loginterface $int_if
set fingerprints "/etc/pf.os"
set skip on lo0
scrub in all fragment reassemble no-df max-mss 1440
# nat jail
#nat on $int_if from {lo1:network} to any -> ($int_if)
antispoof log quick for { lo $int_if } label "block_spoofing"

# block                                                                   #

block log all # block log all
block return out quick inet6 all tag IPV6 # block ipv6
block in quick inet6 all tag IPV6 # block ipv6

# block broken networks - turned off for synergy
# block in quick from { <martians> no-route urpf-failed } to any tag BAD_PACKET

# anchors                                                                 #

# emerging threats - anchor
#anchor "emerging-threats"
#load anchor "emerging-threats" from "/etc/pf.anchors/emerging-threats"

# openvpn - anchor
anchor "openvpn"

# traffic tag                                                             #

# icmp
pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state tag ICMP

# Allow the tcp and udp services defined in the macros at the top of the file
pass in on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to ($int_if) port $tcp_services $tcp_state tag TCP_IN
pass in on $int_if inet proto udp from any to ($int_if) port $udp_services $udp_state tag UDP_IN

# outbound traffic
block out on $int_if all
pass out quick on $int_if all modulate state
#pass out quick on $int_if from <myself> to <lan> modulate state tag LAN_OUT
#pass out quick on $int_if from <myself> to <internet> modulate state tag INTERNET_OUT
looks like you had transmission and transmission-qt installed
and just removed transmission

strange installing transmission-gtk doesnt install transmission

if you run the following code it should list the transmission packages installed

pkg info "transmission-*"


it looks like the following are metaports

Hello everyone,

I have seemed to be having the same problem with my install. The jail is running FreeBSD 13.2 and transmission 4.0.6. I started noticing that nothing was connecting so I performed a pkg remove transmission && pkg autoremove, then I performed a fresh install of pkg install transmission. It went through the complete install with all dependencies but still, starts ups and shuts off after 30 seconds. Dependencies at 4.0.6_2 right now.
pkg info "transmission-*"
I removed transmission and the ran the above command you suggested.
pkg remove transmission

This was the result:

julx@Albert:/usr/home/julx $ pkg info "transmission-*"
I have same issue.
I've use the transmission-daemon since 9 month without any issue until yesterday.
It has approx 1200 torrents, without any problems.
It has been updated one week ago but I hasn't any issues until I rebooted the machine yesterday.

I've tried to reinstall, reset config, use older version (4.0.6_1 instead (4.0.6_2) but it has same issue.
If I load only 10 torrents it works approx 30-40 minutes, but with full load approx. 5 mins.
It doesn't matter what I changed in the config.

I've also tried 14.0 p6, and 14.1 no solution yet.
I suspect I may be experiencing the same (or similar) problem with Transmission. Never had issues previously, but I recently updated the jail to 13.3-RELEASE, and now Transmission appears to be crashing within a few minutes of starting download activity. The web/RPC connection goes dead, and the service stops. When I start the service again, the web interface returns, but all "progress" on active downloads is lost (and then it crashes again within a few minutes).

root@transmission:~ # pkg info "transmission-*"
I'd like to report that I now have this unexpected issue, An update of a different package must have caused this as I see the last update was in early June and this only started after rebooting my server to update 14.1 with the latest binary patches.

% pkg info transmission-\*

I had to install transmission-daemon upon discovering this issue as it was somehow uninstalled during the last update a few days ago and I must have missed it. Perhaps during pkg autoremove.

Trying to start the daemon manually, even as root fails with no further helpful information......except for the fact that it does not appear to be using the previously working settings.json file.
% doas /usr/local/bin/transmission-daemon -g /usr/local/etc/transmission/home -w /usr/local/etc/transmission/home/Downloads -f --log-debug
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.199] Will verify tracker certs using envvar CURL_CA_BUNDLE: none
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.199] NB: this only works if you built against libcurl with openssl or gnutls, NOT nss
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.199] NB: Invalid certs will appear as 'Could not connect to tracker' like many other errors
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.199] setting password-enabled to 'false'
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.199] Added '' to host whitelist
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.199] Added '::1' to host whitelist
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.199] setting our username to ''
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.200] setting our salted password to '{d175826b1e52f2476a8caa0f89f40097287405f0AHt4fgjA'
[2024-08-12 04:55:40.200] Serving RPC and Web requests from '/usr/local/share/transmission/public_html'
Broken pipe

Apparently pkg has removed transmission-daemon and transmission-utils, but not as part of an auto-remove procedure, but as part of the pkg upgrade.
These are the only logs that day.
Jul 16 14:56:32 seeder pkg[3445]: transmission-daemon-4.0.6_1 deinstalled
Jul 16 14:56:32 seeder pkg[3445]: transmission-utils-4.0.6_1 deinstalled
Jul 16 14:56:32 seeder pkg[3445]: miniupnpc upgraded: 2.2.6_1 -> 2.2.8 
Jul 16 14:56:32 seeder pkg[3445]: libnatpmp upgraded: 20220122_2 -> 20230423 
Jul 16 14:56:32 seeder pkg[3445]: transmission-web upgraded: 4.0.6_1 -> 4.0.6_2

EDIT to add /var/log/messages info.
hi ,guysl :
please run blow command in your console .
transmission-gtk and transmission-qt , you will see what happened to you .
Just wanted to add that I also ran into this issue. Thanks for the posts, I was at my wits' end after having issues the past two weeks and finding these pointed to a (what seems to be) fix. For me it mostly triggered when I used rTorrent or Transmission behind a VPN in a jail; the applications crashed at random without any details in the logs or stdout. Without the VPN, I did not experience crashes. After switching to latest instead of quarterly and installing curl 8.9.1_1 and transmission-daemon 4.0.6_2, Transmission has been running without a hitch. I added some torrents and will check back in the morning if things are still running. I will test rTorrent after that, since I may still prefer it over Transmission :).