bhyve TPM Passthrough issues

I am trying to get TPM passthrough to a Windows VM, and am having some problems. My system is running 14.1-RELEASE, and I am using the latest version of /sysutils/vm-bhyve-devel to manage the VMs. I have configured the TPM to load in boot.conf and added the device hints per the
tpm() man page. It appears to be working and showing up as /dev/tpm0.
In my VM config file, I have the bhyve options line:
bhyve_options="-A -l tpm,passthru,/dev/tpm0"

There are no errors in the VM's log file, and the Windows 10 environment sees the TPM as existing, but cannot start it. Device manager give the error message "A protocol error was detected between the driver and the device."

The computer is a Dell Optiplex 3060 with an i7 8700. Running
dmesg | grep tpm shows tpmtis0: <Trusted Platform Module 2.0, FIFO mode> iomem 0xfed40000-0xfed44fff on acpi0
but also returns several messages of:
 tpmtis0: Failed to write cmd to device
tpmtis0: failed to switch to ready state

Any suggestions, or anyone see something I've done wrong?