touchpad driver working and touchpad detected but not working (wsp, macbook)

Hi everyone,

I managed to install freebsd 14, part 6 on my macbook pro mid 2012 9,2.
but the touchpad dont work at all even if detected in the system setting of plasma under input devices => touchpad.
I did customize my kernel to add these lines :

device wsp
I also added wsp_load="YES" to /boot/loader.conf
but it has not changed anything.

since i'm new to freebsd I have no clue of what is wrong here. I think may be it's something else since the driver is detected loaded and customizable under kde-plasma settings.

any help will be appreciate

Welcome to The FreeBSD Forums.

devmatch -a

What's listed?


pciconf -lv

Probably unnecessary.

(Misunderstandings of the synopses of manual pages for drivers are commonplace.)
Hi sorry for the delay, thank you for the support, much appreciate.
I don`t have this mac book pro anymore, I exchanged it for a yoga 370 and installed FreeBSD on an external ssd instead, works fine overall.