Solved Thunar: Devices

… FreeBSD 14.1 and Xfce …

… shortcuts contained within the device area of the Thunar file manager do not seem to function properly …

… UFS …

Cedric62 I see your screenshots, but I can't tell what happens with File System.

File System works for me, with ZFS.

% pkg iinfo thunar
% freebsd-version -kru ; uname -aKU
FreeBSD mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd 15.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT main-n271827-c3516c6533a1 GENERIC-NODEBUG amd64 1500023 1500023
% pkg -vv | grep -B 1 -e url -e priority
  FreeBSD-ports: {
    url             : "pkg+",
    enabled         : yes,
    priority        : 2,
  FreeBSD-base: {
    url             : "pkg+",
    enabled         : yes,
    priority        : 0,
  aninstaller: {
    url             : "file:////media/aninstaller/packages/FreeBSD:14:amd64",
    enabled         : no,
    priority        : 0
  local-poudriere: {
    url             : "file:///usr/local/poudriere/data/packages/main-default",
    enabled         : yes,
    priority        : 3
Okay, I think that I figured something out, and my eyes may have been playing tricks on me due to my earlier confusion.

If I go to the command line and type mount /usba, then the usb shortcut located within the device area of the side panel disapears, and is not visible while the usb thumbstic is mounted. However, if I unmount my usb thumbdrive by typing umount /usba, then the shortcut reappears.

Also, if I click on the usb shortcut, while the usb thumbdrive is actually unmounted, then I get a error message stating not authorized. See attached screenshot. At anyrate, I guess this is not a huge issue, as I'm able to read and write files to my usb thumbdrive via the shortcut I created on my desktop.


  • Not_Authorized.jpg
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I think that for the mounted partition to show up in the "Devices" area, you need to mount it as a subdirectory of /media, for example /media/usba.
for some reason I couldn't get it to work that way, so I just created a new directory directly within root directory, and used that instead.
… need to mount it as a subdirectory of /media, …

That's good practice, hier(7) notes that /media/ (not /mnt/) is:
  • mount points for removable storage media such as CDs, DVDs, and USB drives; see automount(8), or bsdisks(8) if a using a desktop environment from ports(7).
1724744172045.pngIt seems that File System – mount point / – is a special case, represented as a system drive and a device, in applications such as Thunar.

In the first shot to the right, detected devices:
  • include /media/mmcsd0p1 – an msdosfs file system in a card slot
  • include /media/t1000 – a ZFS dataset on an external hard disk drive on USB
  • include /media/t1000/VirtualBox – a separate dataset in the same pool
  • exclude /internalssd – a ZFS dataset on an internal SSD.

1724744398454.pngIn the second shot, Thunar can not eject the VirtualBox device.

Thunar's warning about data is false:
  • no files were open
  • zfs umount succeeded, as root.
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # lsof /media/t1000/VirtualBox
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # zfs umount Transcend/VirtualBox
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # zfs version
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # uname -mvKU
FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT main-n271831-6e7581236ed7 GENERIC-NODEBUG amd64 1500023 1500023
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ #
I had a chance to look at this late last night, and I now seem to be mounting my usb and cdrom drives correctly. (see attached screenshots)

I hate to admit this, but I think that earlier I may have forgotten to create the directory "usba" within the media directory, because when I looked to see who owned it, it wasn't there. (boy do I feel silly) At any rate, I created a new usba directory within media, and then I used the chown command to give myself the right to read and write to it. After that I simply made a little change in fstab, and it worked. In this case, I may have actually caused my own grief by not keeping good notes of what I was doing, and also by being a little sloppy when creating mount point folders within the media directory.

Also, I'm probably not very familiar with certain terminology when describing things, so I would like to thank everyone for their patience.


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