I was not quite happy with my sound output so, I read through the whole man sound(4) page and set up parameters accordingly in
My sound related configurations:
I have a few questions regarding some parameters I have set, and I have not set, but are curious whether I should set them, or not.
Before starting, I am hearing the audio through earphones in stereo format 2ch.
The audio file format is usually 24bit/96kHz flac, 24bit/48KHz flac, or 16bit/41KHz flac.
My soundcard is capable to play audio files in 32bit/192KHz, but in practice I do not know any files encoded that way.
Parameters set:
I am particularly interested in the "adaptive" mode as well as it seems to provide better quality, but can produce pops or clicks when the hardware DMA mode is restarted.
My question here is, if adaptive mode is used, when exactly does the DMA restarts?
Does it restart only once when the audio device is associated for streaming the audio data, since 2 channels are already used, and no new channel is going to be associated.
Is there any other, better format I could use for headphones?
This option is by default set to 25 to avoid large prime number divisions, but at an accuracy cost.
I have set it to 0 (disable), because I have a strong CPU and do not really want to lose sample rate precision.
Does it really matter in practical usage, or can I just leave this option at the default value without having degraded audio quality?
Parameters not set, but curious about:
Does this option have any benefit on the audio quality?
I set it on once, but due to sample rate mismatch the audio quality was horrible.
However, I read that this option can be benefical to audio quality.
If so, what could I do, to set it up correctly?
.My sound related configurations:
# Disable the automatic assignment of the default sound card.
# Set the default sound card.
# Set the maximum allowable sample rate.
# Enable the most accurate sample rate converter quality.
# Disable sample rate rounding for accurate sound processing (Experimental, disable if not needed)
# Get a more detailed sndstat report.
# Enable a specific amount of vchans per device.
# Enable a specific vchanformat per device.
# Set a vchan format/rate selection.
I have a few questions regarding some parameters I have set, and I have not set, but are curious whether I should set them, or not.
Before starting, I am hearing the audio through earphones in stereo format 2ch.
The audio file format is usually 24bit/96kHz flac, 24bit/48KHz flac, or 16bit/41KHz flac.
My soundcard is capable to play audio files in 32bit/192KHz, but in practice I do not know any files encoded that way.
Parameters set:
I am particularly interested in the "adaptive" mode as well as it seems to provide better quality, but can produce pops or clicks when the hardware DMA mode is restarted.
My question here is, if adaptive mode is used, when exactly does the DMA restarts?
Does it restart only once when the audio device is associated for streaming the audio data, since 2 channels are already used, and no new channel is going to be associated.
Is there any other, better format I could use for headphones?
This option is by default set to 25 to avoid large prime number divisions, but at an accuracy cost.
I have set it to 0 (disable), because I have a strong CPU and do not really want to lose sample rate precision.
Does it really matter in practical usage, or can I just leave this option at the default value without having degraded audio quality?
Parameters not set, but curious about:
Does this option have any benefit on the audio quality?
I set it on once, but due to sample rate mismatch the audio quality was horrible.
However, I read that this option can be benefical to audio quality.
If so, what could I do, to set it up correctly?