ThinkPad R61 Keyboard/Mouse/TrackPoint problems

I was running FreeBSD 8.0 perfectly a few weeks ago until my mouse/keyboard/trackpoint started to behave erratically. For example, sometimes I get NO left button! No trackpoint left button, no touchpad left button, no plugged USB left button!!

I don't know if this is related to some port upgrading (HAL???)... because the mouse daemon seems to work properly in the console (trackpoint and/or plugged mouse).

I'm using XFCE 4.6, HALD 0.5.13.

Some help???

Thanks. ;)
I've managed to work with my USB mouse by disabling HAL on X (using AutoAddDevices = "false").

I'm suspecting HAL 0.5.13 brings some wrong behavior with my TrackPoint...
With xinput, I see that the trackpoint button 1 is always in down state. That's why trackpoint makes USB mice left button unusable. I must research the source of this problem. In Windows Trackpoint works OK, so it's not a HW problem.