Solved The DNS resolver does not works correctly from some computers

What is the output of following commands

From FreeBSD


From Windows

From freebsd
Using domain server:
Aliases: has address has IPv6 address 2a00:1450:401b:810::200e mail is handled by 10
from local computer
Not a credible answer
Looks ok, can you repeat the nslookup command from the computer which doesn't work and have issue? Also try with the local configured DNS server without specify the like this:


(there's dot at the end of com.)
The problem turned out to be IPv6 Windows. I disabled it from all computers and the Internet worked on them (I have static addresses on the network on IPv4)
II don't understand why unused but enabled IPv6 distorted the work of computers for everyone at once? Maybe this is a global IPv6 problem?
II don't understand why unused but enabled IPv6 distorted the work of computers for everyone at once?
It certainly wouldn't cause machines to drop off the IPv4 network. I assume you did the nmap scan on an IPv4 range? That's worth investigating further.
I found a solution to my problem by disabling IPv6 on the Windows forum for 2016. So the problem is not new.
It certainly wouldn't cause machines to drop off the IPv4 network. I assume you did the nmap scan on an IPv4 range? That's worth investigating further.
Not all at once, but only those who had IPv6 enabled.And the entire IPv4 network did not crash,
only for these computers the DNS resolver did not work correctly
If IPv6 is enabled it will prefer IPv6 DNS Lookups over IPv4 lookups. There are a lot of unexpected quirks when you use IPv6, so a partial roll out can cause this kind of issue. If you enable IPv6 and configure it to use IPv6 DNS servers then those devices could potentially take a completely different route to try to reach the destinations.

Have you got an assigned IPv6 routable address range? Such as a free tunnel from Hurricane Electric? If so, then carefully go through the network to make sure your devices are either all manually configured for their address, and the address of the DNS server, or that they get correct addresses from DHCP or SLAC. Also if you have IPv6 routing to the outside world make sure it is up and working.

There have been several mentions of in this thread. That is a public DNS server that Google provides. they also have and with IPv6 their public DNS servers are 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844

Everything in this thread seems to indicate a partial rollout of IPv6, so it is OK to leave those devices disabled until IPv6 is fully implemented. Take the time necessary to make sure you have consistent configurations with IPv6. I hope that helps.
In conclusion, I want to say that this problem with IPv6 affected only computers on Windows, computers on Ubuntu and EndeavourOS worked fine.
If IPv6 is enabled it will prefer IPv6 DNS Lookups over IPv4 lookups. There are a lot of unexpected quirks when you use IPv6, so a partial roll out can cause this kind of issue. If you enable IPv6 and configure it to use IPv6 DNS servers then those devices could potentially take a completely different route to try to reach the destinations.

Have you got an assigned IPv6 routable address range? Such as a free tunnel from Hurricane Electric? If so, then carefully go through the network to make sure your devices are either all manually configured for their address, and the address of the DNS server, or that they get correct addresses from DHCP or SLAC. Also if you have IPv6 routing to the outside world make sure it is up and working.

There have been several mentions of in this thread. That is a public DNS server that Google provides. they also have and with IPv6 their public DNS servers are 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844

Everything in this thread seems to indicate a partial rollout of IPv6, so it is OK to leave those devices disabled until IPv6 is fully implemented. Take the time necessary to make sure you have consistent configurations with IPv6. I hope that helps.
Why did everything work fine with such network cards settings for 12 years, but only on Tuesday did it start to appear on all Windows computers with IPv6 enabled?