The 15-Minute Bug Initiative (KDE)

astyle "difficult to remove" in some mobile OS – you are aware these aren't open-source? It's an entirely different topic. Mobile vendors often try to prevent you from installing some open-source OS.

A new feature in Qt won't hurt any open-source software. If any open-source software makes use of it and you don't like it, it will always be trivial to change that.
You may have doubts as much as you want, but open-source software is trivial to modify (that's the point of it), so if people don't like ads, they won't have them...
I guess it makes little sense to continue this. At least not if you're just throwing completely unrelated links in :rolleyes: My "opinion" is well founded on arguments, you're free to disagree anyways...
At least not if you're just throwing completely unrelated links in :rolleyes:
KDE and Qt are unrelated. Got it :rolleyes:
My "opinion" is well founded on arguments, you're free to disagree anyways...
Arguments are nice. I'm going to take the word of the people who actually produce Qt, though. They clearly mean for this feature to be used in open source projects.
I don't. Openbox + terminal is all I need and want. I forced Xfce on my family when I forced Linux on them. It was just ok, and I stopped that a decade ago.
Be careful, your family could rebel. :) Try persuading them instead of forcing.
It's Friday and this thread has gotten stale. Have a beer over the break, this thread has been invaded 👾 and developers 👽 will want to see their revenue grow with open source software at some point in their lives anyway.📈🛸🏖️
… this thread has been invaded 👾

Almost on topic,

… for giggles, I allowed the file system checker to perform repairs. More than ten million lines of output from ffsck_ffs(8), so much that it was impossible to save a log of the session in its entirety. …

Probably not arising from the 15-Minute Bug Initiative, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a KDE merge request for the bug:

Draft: Fix bug 447820 unlimited history overflows cell positions - Make cell position 64 bit (!590) · Merge requests · Utilities / Konsole · GitLab

Hats off to the developers.